Run No #1898

Run Date: 27th February, 2017
Run No #1898
Hare: Shizza
Venue: Fischer St  Bucasia
Hashers: 21

21 intrepid, lethargic, or Oh its Monday again, hashers assembled for the first and last time at Shizza’s for the usual saunter around the suburbs. After a long winded explanation from Golly about what the trail was set in, he was absolutely no help what so ever when he pointed at the HHH sign saying there is the start now fuck off and find the trail

After much milling around in circles some idiot found the trail and bellowing ON on took off in the direction of Shoal Point.  Like good little lemmings we dutifully followed the leader away from the Eskeys    Will we never learn?

A short distance down Bucasia Rd we did a sharp turn to the left and headed west along a track beside a field occupied by some very bemused cattle who, from the expression on their faces, thought we were a pack of bloody idiots.  Which was probably correct because the track we followed was trying to beat the Nullarbor’s record for being the longest straightest track in the world. Eventually we did a right turn and circumnavigated some suburb, back to Bucasia Rd then on on back to the booze. And what a pathetic sight that was. A pack of winging hashers all close to tears because the booze was locked in my car.  Sorry chaps & gals Hahaha maybe i will have stopped laughing by next week.

It was fairly quiet, except for the sound of guzzling, till the circle was called.

As I had no idea that I would be bullied, strong armed and brutalized into writing the hash trash I really did not take much notice of the waffle going on in the circle. All I remember is that there was usual selection of good and bad jokes and the following received Down Downs.


Shizza & Golly    for setting a good and well marked run

Shizza                    for being a wimp and pissing off

Sweetmeats x3 for being a very naughty girl

Shocker                                I don’t rely know

Hot Rocks x2      why bloody not

Viagra                   the list is a long one

Nicka LIcka          totally unjustified just collateral damage

At last the Mackay song was sung and put us out of our misery

Nosh was served and the swarm of gulls swooped in for their fill and all was quiet for a while. Just as the last of food was being scraped from plates and the noise level was rising, Shizza pulled of a master stroke and produced a pav & cream and fruit.  That buggered them!

A few more drinks a lot more lies and the evening wound down

Thanks to Shizza and good luck up in Airlie I didn’t swear to much Shiz so U can probably read this.

Good run, good food, good night.

On On

Nicka Licka
