Run No #2007

Run Date: 18th February
Run No #2007
Hare: Wombat
Venue: 8 Hokins Court Glenella   
Hashers: 20


A hardy  band of 20 hashers turned out at Wombats’s place for the run under a perfect near full moon sky. Sun setting & moon rising you know how it goes. The willing pack set off at a normal leisurely pac past Magpies then East towards the city. Passed thru the new soccer fields a first for me. Round more of Glenella to a small drink stop(most welcome). ON home from there. Circle was called by JCF & The snuggling Monk Tarzan. Down down for Hare Wombat & her birthday as well. A few jokes were told. Streaker gave an update of Easter Mon run with Bunbury Hashers, now transferred to Eimeo Surf Club due to some Technical difficulties. Also an update for Xmas in July being held at Clairview 27 July. Booked this Venue & Hashers can book own Accom. Nosh was then served  dips etc, a lovely South Sea Is Tacho brew minus the shells followed by dessert of mini choc muffins with custard. Thanks WOMBAT!!! Exec lunch was set for NM bowls club, Next weeks run is from Tarzan’s place 4 Evans Ave..Hash song. Was sung & circle closed.

On On 

