Run Report 1820

Run Date: 14th September
Run No #1820
Hare: Nicka Licka
Venue: Seaview Park Bucasia Esplanade Bucasia
Hashers: 18


A smaller turn-up than usual, but 18 intrepid hashers made it to Beautiful Bucasia Beach.
A torrential downpour in the late afternoon had 2 remarkable results:
1. Blurry on his motorcycle discovered than rain is wet.
2. Knicker’s chalk trail was not waterproof, and merrily slid down the gutter.
Nevertheless, Knicker called us to attention and explained where the chalk marks used to be, and sent us on our way. We were almost immediately accosted by a very irate Plover protecting 3 tiny chicks, but on we marched into the gloomy backblocks of Bucasia. Amid lots of horn blowing and searching for washed away checks, the mob moved cautiously forward, but a wrong turn by Blurry, Snot and myself saw us off-trail and, remarkably, back at the beer a little earlier than expected.
A short time later the rest of the crew wandered in, and began slurping beer and talking rubbish, followed by Knicker’s chicken soup and more beer…… a fine combination.
Then, amazingly, the entire mob rose to their feet, turned towards yours truely The Monk, and fell into silence. A few minutes passed, I looked at Golly, Golly looked at me, and then said, very quietly, “Form a circle”. And bugger me, there they were, circle formed, ready to go!

So, a down down for the hare, served up in Tun Mid, which according to the can, is brewed in USA, canned in China, imported by some fool in Melb, and basically tastes like shit.
Blurry, when asked to explain his recent birthday, broke into the old Beatles classic “When I’m 64.” A down down was earned by that rendition. The GM Zorro charged Tamara with bringing too much class to Hash by drinking from a wine glass. The charged was quickly reversed, as Tamara has more class than Zorro’s ever likely to have. Knothead told 2 appalling jokes, both of which earned him a date with the aforementioned Tun Mid. Zorro also added some jokes, as did The Monk, having to remove Hotrock’s name and reverting to the original Paddy, since Hotty was apparently too hung over from the weekend to turn up.

Mango was awarded a Mackay Hash cap for 50 runs. And a tasty Tun to go with it.

Mango for 50 runs 14-09-15
The song was sung, and the circle closed.
Knicker Licker then produced a gastronomical delight…. let’s see….. there was chicken curry, fried rice, a tasty potato dish, and plenty of it….. unlike next week, when you’ll get a sausage on bread!

More talking of shit, and the troops started to move off, and by 8.30 it was all over red rover.

Well done Knicker, another fine night.

OnOn Pensioner.


 Mango 50 runs 14-09-15
