Run Report 1843

Run Date: 15th February 2016
Run No #1843
Hare: Prick
Venue:  Gooseponds & Kenzey Street North Mackay
Hashers: 32

32 Hashers came out of the woodwork for Prick’s run at the Gooseponds. Even Snot managed to come back from his escapades to join us. Prick said at the start that it was 4.048kms, but Pensioner claimed he & JCF did exactly that amount by short-cutting. Everyone else went way too far! Meanwhile back at Kenzey Street stragglers made their way through the gate & managed to find the eskies. Lots of chitter chatter going as chairs were shuffled around and brought in to take their spot in Prick’s backyard joining the mosquitoes where they were having a party on their own.

Prick brought out a huge pot of boiled potatoes out to keep us going while the circle was called.

Pensch & Golly called the circle…number of charges for:-

Sweetmeat for something to do with Hamo or should it be WHP…

Tounger for something to do with Sweetmeat…

Cummalott for something returned to her – can’t remember what…

JCF for something…was it returning runner and then I think there was more charges

Snot for something… (or did I make that up)

For Virgin runner Ryan (Golly’s friend)

Smegma for not wearing Hash Attire, which he managed to have reversed, good one Smegma you got them – no one looked at your back!

Delicious for something.. was that the reverse charge for Smegma

The Monk put his attire on and we dropped to our knees for Daphine’s christening which resulted in her now being called ‘Piccolo Pirata’ Italian for ‘Little Pirate’ – Monk put it to the circle was it to be ‘PP’ or ‘Piccolo’ for short. Piccolo took the vote hands down. Piccolo was then welcomed into the group as she made her way around the circle. Welcome Piccolo once again.  Piccolo Pirata Christening 1 15-02-16.jpgPiccolo Pirata Christening 2 15-02-16





Delicious reminded everyone about the progressive walk/bike run on Saturday 12th March.

Hash song sung, circle closed and Prick brought out his sliced Corn Meat which went down very nicely with fresh bread and all sorts of condiments.

On On
