Run Report 1844

Run Date: 22nd February 2016
Run No #1844
Hare: Teflon
Venue:  37 Mango Avenue, Eimeo
Hashers: 18

Everyone gathered in the shade of Mango Avenue just as the down pour eased. It was On On left towards the Eimeo Pub, then down to the Esplanade.  Along the beach to Eimeo Creek, where Shocker spotted some orange tape on the far bank, so it was on over the croc infested gushing torrent. Past Dolphin Heads, along the access road then up over the hill then on home through the park. 

The rain stayed away and the runners and the injured got stuck into the beers, ciders and the delicious nibbles.  The walkers turned up just in time to sample the nibble scraps then the circle was called.  Pensioner thought we needed a little taste of Pea Beau and threw in some really sick jokes, just to remember him by.  Teflon and Viagra both had down down’s for setting the run, Viagra had a second down down for assaulting the Monk with a half drunk beer.  Baagoose had a down down for being a returning runner, Viagra had yet another for trying to steal the Hash mug.  Cummalott had a Hashy Birthday down down, and Nicole a virgin runner also got introduced to the hasher way.

Circle was closed, with a much better attempt of the new Hash Song to the tune of “Oh Lord it’s hard to be humble”.  Teflon put on some excellent hash Nosh – Pulled pork soft burritos with coleslaw and Nicka Lickers homemade hot chutney.

On On Shocker
