Run Date: 10th October 2016
Run No #1877
Hare: Blurry
Venue: Wetlands Amphitheater at the end of Alexandria St, West Mackay lagoons.
Hashers: 31
As we all illegally gathered to welcome yet another week of hard work or retirement, the speculation of a complex and detailed Blurry run came to fruition. We were all amazed at the detailed description he gave regarding the run as he chanted something about a check, runners this way walkers this way, a false trail and blah blah blah. With that said off we went. Arrows everywhere is the best description for this run, arrows, checks and false trails everywhere. Blurry was surely laughing out loud with the trail and its complexity. His vision of hashers being lost in the wilderness for hours was certainly about to happen. In true Mackay Hash fashion, the runners ran the walkers walked and short cuts were found. People everywhere following false trails, crossing paths, finding on backs and arrows a plenty and it was just the first check. Not sure what happened to the complex Blurry trail because the pack settled into a rhythm and followed the trail to perfection finding no more checks, false trails, on backs or arrows either! Passing conversations included, “we must have missed the on home marker”, “what is that chalk circle?” and “what does an arrow look like?”
As the last of the stragglers came on home the monk called for a circle which saw us all gather in a brilliantly lit are covered by security cameras. This made me feel extremely safe knowing we were being looked over in some control centre somewhere. At least we would not be mugged or raped tonight, not by others outside the circle anyway!
Charges were called, some stuck, some were reversed. Terrible jokes were told as usual, except for JCF who will surely be nominated for best joke of the year and Tun’s of down downs were allocated. With the circle not in proximity of the eskies, the circle was unofficially closed as the drinks ran dry. Hash nosh was served and bellies were filled. All in all good effort team MH3 great evening as usual!
On On: JCF