Run No #2146

Run Date: 06/12/21
Run No #2146
Hare: Piccolo Pirata
Venue: 82 Grendon Street North Mackay 
Hashers: 19

19 hashers gathered at the home of Piccolo Pirata for what was supposed be a nice short run and it was.

Envelopes were handed out, the first one was given to Golly, refused it, saying he didn’t have his glasses, so would be unable read the instructions. The next one for Hooker, who politely refused, but then changed her mind and took the envelope. After all the envelopes given out the first envelope was opened by the trailmaster Daffodil so it was on to Hamilton Street where the next envelope was opened from there more envelopes were opened and then some more, after a leisurely stroll around the streets of North Mackay everyone  made it back to the on on. It was extremely difficult for Zorro and Half a Boat as the run didn’t go anywhere near a pub. (they could have gone to the Kooyong but that would have been much longer walk.)

Another amazing fact, Pensioner did the whole run and was one of the first to get back, unfortunately I forgot to give him a down down (shame on me).

Raggedy Ann and Golly brought along two of their grandsons, Aiden and Jacob, who were given their down down for being virgin runners, and clean song was sung by stand in choir master flaps. I don’t think they really knew what was going on. Hash Cash was given a down down for being too flash with a new brief case, I think a new sunshade cap has been ordered to keep the glare of those $100 notes all the hashers seem to have. Jacob told a joke and it was not like normal hash jokes, no rude words. I’m sure he knew some as he is still at school.

The song was sung and the circle close-ed.

Nosh came out, turkey stew and rice, very yummy (the turkey was given to Piccolo) Then nice cold watermelon for dessert.

Teflon texted U-Turn to find out how Tarzan was. He came out of hospital that day and was feeling himself (sorry his old self) looking forward to having him back, soon I hope.

Don’t forget the Christmas run from 17 Jarrah Street, Christmas attire for the night, not necessarily hash gear. Bring a $15 secret Santa present. Cost will be the usual price $10 for non drinkers and $15 for drinkers & Hash Nosh


See you next week.

On on flaps.
