Run #2282

Date – 08/07/2024
Run -2282
Hare – Shocker
Venue – Run: Park Area, Sturt Cres, Settlers Rise. Nosh: 4/23 Sunset Dr, Erakala.
Hashers: 22

Oh what a great night. About 30 flash hashers met at the Park and had a chat before Shocker appeared and gave instructions as to the direction of travel. It was along the main road in the dark with traffic whizzing by; a situation that was stupid at best and lethal at worst.

Finally, it was off the road and along a winding and steep path to the playgrounds where we found the piss stop – a beautiful mix of wine and fruit called Sangria. I personally took the liberty of handing out lollies to the kids playing there with mixed results!  It was then up up up over the hill and back down to the park starting point, into the cars and back up again to Shocker’s place.

Here we were joined by Wheelie, Cisco, Topknot and Maniki Pussy for their last runs as they are all on the move. We were also joined by the Frenchies, Coco and his mate. They are Cordon Bleu chefs who had kindly agreed to do the Hash Nosh.

The circle formed round a great fire, the history lesson was read, charges, down downs for visiting and departing runners and a great array of jokes of varying vulgarity. Then THE NOSH!

And what a Nosh; assorted hor d’ouevres, magnificent quiche lorraine, and then baked chicken and baked potatoes. A massive feast! We have not seen the likes of this since Flaps unleashed his culinary skills some months ago.

Finally, it was time to call it quits; I left the fire and headed for the loving arms/ rolling pin.

On On.  Prick.

Next week’s run:  Prick. BBQ area. Gooseponds.  The tucker is guaranteed to be comparable

to this week. Cheers.


