Date – 03/02/2025
Run – 2313
Hare – Shocker
Venue – Run at Settlers Rise & Circle, Nosh at Sunset Drive Erakala
Hashers: 20
Hashers were ready and eager for Shocker’s run around the hills of Settlers Rise, and the more energetic ones ventured out to check out the new homes going ahead.
Jump in the car, off to Sunset Drive for the Circle, History Lesson on Windmills and Nosh. Returning runner Remy joined us, and virgin runner Marine. Downs Downs for these two. Others for Snot, Juice and Pensioner? Who knows.
Shocker served up a generous pot of Butter Chicken, with plenty of rice. Enjoyed by all, followed by a variety of Tim Tams and Lamingtons. The Dirty Old Man Award, was brought out for a look, and check of names on the reverse…will an Award, similar be invented for the Harriettes? Something for the committee to ponder.
On On