Date – 12/12/2022
Run – 2199
Hare – Tarzan
Venue – 4 Evans Avenue, North Mackay
Hashers: 29
Run #2199
Run #2198
Date – 05/12/2022
Run – 2198
Hare – Golly
Venue – 4 Trochus Court, Shoal Point
Hashers – 24
A motley band of 24? hashers arrived at Golly & Raggedy’s ready & keen for a beach & bush run. Turned out to be all this & more. Some road steps etc with a few false trails thrown in. PISS STOP was excellent & very welcome before tackling the hill home. Charges were laid, jokes told & a new runner welcomed plus hashy birthday greetings for Corgi. Nibbles we’re eagerly consumed by all then followed ham & salad rolls, yumo. All made for a good hash night. Circle closed & we had to toddle off to relieve the carer. See ya next week for 2199.
Run #2197
Date – 28/11/2022
Run – 2197
Hare – Half A Boat
Venue – 78 Harbour Road, North Mackay
Hashers: 22
Some were between 20-30 hashers arrived in dribs & drabs, confused at
which shed was 78. Looking down the driveway, one could see Half A Boat
standing outside a shed, where a half a boat trailer was being built.
We headed outside onto the road and told to go, was marked in chalk and
paper. Off we set towards the Harbour. First check Zorro went left and kept
going, must have got scent of a fridge.
The rest of pack kept going straight down towards Harbour till they got to the
dead people resting place. Turn on towards Animal Hotel, Pensioner didn’t
make it that far, said he has enough hassles with 2 pussys didn’t need a third.
Trail went into Big Lizard country only the brave dare go.
All got back to shed 78 where nibbles were waiting, 2 cobb loaves, 1 crab, 1 fish,
very nice. Circle called by Monkey, as our History Monk had the day off.
Charges were given to various hashers for some shit they did or did not do.
Main course served up Bangers & Burgers, and Salad, top nosh, Half a Boat. More beer drank, more bullshit flung around, Flaps woke up and called last drinks.
And we went home till next week.
See you at 4 Trochus Ct. Bring Sand Shoes, could be some sand.
Date – 21/11/2022
Run – 2196
Hare – Top Knot & Wheelie
Venue – The Park, Beachway Bld, Shoal Point
Hashers: 23
As Written by Half A Boat……….
Hi Hashes
Top Knot run lots of check buy the piss stop was yummy mmmm
we had 23 member on the run, buy the food was very tasty.
In the circle had jokes and down downs
from half a boat on on
Run #2195
Date – 14/11/2022
Run – 2195
Hare – Maple Syrup
Venue – 66 O’Brien Esplanade, Shoal Point
Hashers: 22
Shoal Point (again) for Run #2195! 22 Hashers showed up more or less on time for a slightly past 6 start. Hare, Maple Syrup, had marked a varied course including pavement, dirt and beach (which required strips of her husband’s T-shirt to mark entry and exit points!). U-turn left us all in her dust…
Cold drinks and ocean breezes were a good mix as everyone demolished garlic bread before circle was called. Smut gave a serious history lesson about a little known but amazing woman of the 1800’s who smashed the 80 Days record set in Jules Verne’s ‘Around the World in…’. What was her name again?
The trail got a thumbs-up, various charges were laid despite the protests of several of the ‘chargees’ and vain attempts at reversals, AND the jokes will surely go down in the annals of Mackay Hash for their level of filth and innuendo.
Were there any birthdays? Did Tonguer really know the venue for the executive lunch?? Is Zorro really organising the Christmas party??? Will Matches be on top of that????
All tucked into Maple Syrup’s meal, but sadly, she forgot the Tim Tams! Lucky lasts to leave had to indulge.
See you all at the Lake in Shoal Point for Top Knot’s run 2196 next Monday. (Would you like some Tim tams for your dessert, Top Knot? Sorry to say Tarzan won’t be there with his Peruvian Hash shirt.
On-on, Maple Syrup
Run #2194
Date – 07/11/2022
Run – 2194
Hare – Prick
Venue – The Goose Ponds, BBQ Area behind Bowls Club
A good handful of good-looking hashers arrived in all sorts of modes of transportations for the first run with the new committee, with the new GM and On-Sec, coming in by bike and scooter. Possibly anticipating his regular weekly down-downs, Zorro thought it was best not to drive. Although, some of the still-in-the-closet hashers were less focused on the bike and more fixated to the attire of the GM thinking that a man comfortable enough with his masculinity to be in floral shirts, means a definite trans/homosexual.
Being promised a piss stop, the hashers were given ambiguous directions from Prick who sure earned his title of being a Prick by sending the hashers to start on a false trail. Some hashers even began running to get the nightmare trail over with. As the hashers arrived to the end, they soon discovered it was actually a taking-the-piss stop, proving more to the point of the name once again, Prick.
Some decent pre-circle snacks were passed around and U-turn seized the moment to seize some dollars for the school raffle, giving the monk and new monkee some time to reminisce from their younger days and prepare their history trivia from over the last millennia.
Charges handed all round back and forth. Matches being charged for bravely riding in on a scooter with a nearly flat battery… I remember thinking, I had some AA’s in the car for emergencies, but I wasn’t sure if those flyers would have any hope at this point for these hashers. Flaps had done too good a job with getting the hashers well lubricated.
Tounger being one of the first to dish out jokes, not sure if I’ll repeat that one, but managed to get just about every female hasher to bend right over… Setting the bar nice and low is Tounger’s strategy, that way they bend over again each time they need a drink. Although you might have set the bar high already for next year’s dirty old man award!
Pies and peas served for hash nosh, a good safe bet for all hashers to enjoy, with the option of tomato sauce OR ketchup. Both even, if one felt like being creative. Plenty of good chats and banter all round. Great evening for the first run with the new committee.
On on
Run #2193 AGPU
Date – 31/10/22
Run – 2193 AGPU
Hare – Daffodil & Corgi
Venue – The Leap Hotel
Hashers – 24
Only 24 hashers turned for the AGPU, many new committee members were elected to positions in absentia,( Hhha hhha hhha).
Matches was busy selling Melbourne Cup Sweep tickets, when at precisely 6pm, give or take 5 or 10mins, Daffodil called the mob to order, gave his last run directions as trailmaster. Half of the hashers set off, the rest stayed at pub and consumed beers and more beers, until all the runners and walkers returned, the free piss flowed.
Circle was called, no history lesson from Smut.
Daffodil and Corgi the hares had set a shitty trail, with too many hills and was too long as reported by Tonto.
A few charges, Daffodil for telling lies about needing a torch; Delicious, so Tarzan could sing her song one last time as GM; JCF for fucking up down down song; Over achievers, for putting in effort to dressing in halloween costumes. Special mention for Wheelie.
Some jokes were told, announcements re: Tuesday lunch venue, next weeks run etc.
A small break in proceedings for piss stop and refills.
AGPU – Financial report Bank Balance – $5865; Float – $100. This year $1015 was banked from Cash for Cans. A huge thank you to Tarzan for collecting cans on Mondays and hash events, and any others who deposited their empties for Hash.
With the challenges of Covid in the last 2years, the committee organised 6 successful social events and 2 celebration runs. Thank you all for supporting these events and making them so enjoyable.
Awards – Runs
Most Runs set – Corgi & Daffodil
Wettest Run – Screw & Fork
Best nosh – TBA
Healtiest Piss Stop – Golly & Raggedy Ann
Moving House – Flaps, Mango & Pensioner to the old peoples place.
Other awards – Zorro – a new ticker
Matches – Potty mouth award
Half a boat – Killer Award
Smut – Information Award
Golly & Tarzan – Volunteers award
JCF – Dirty Ol’ Man award
Bibby/ Leap Hotel – AGPU Host Award
Farewell to out going committee. Thanks to them all for their efforts.
New Committee elected:
GM – Zorro
Hash Cash – Pensioner
On Sec – Matches
Hash Piss – Flaps
Trail Master – Golly
Monk – Smut
Monkee – Screw
Choir Master – Tarzan
Hash Horn – Mango
Hash Haberdashery – Raggedy Ann
Good luck to the Committee for the cumming year, lets all get behind them and support them for another great year of hashing in Mackay.
Run #2191
Run Date:17/10/22
Run No: 2191
Hare: Tounger
Venue: Hillend Rd, Glenella
Hashers: 26
26 hashers gathered at Toungers place for night of fun frivolity and
Unfortunately, I couldn’t do the run, even though I am a superbly fit
athlete. I think it had to do with all that dancing I did on the away
The consensus was that it was a great shitty run. Up hill and down dale
following Chalk and lime marks most everyone missed the piss stop, ( I
don’t think there was a real one), however Magpies Sporting club wasn’t
far away, not sure if anyone made it there.
Everyone made it back safely and gathered around the fire and the pizza
oven, Golly and Zorro were conspicuous I am not sure whether it was to
keep warm or be first in line for pizzas straight out of the oven.
The monk opened proceedings with his usual spiel on this day in history,
can’t remember what happened, but it must have been something (history
does that).
Down downs were given to Zoe (Wheelies) carer and Shocker, twice for him
and Sweet Meat. Raggedy Ann for not knowing what the lollies represented
on Prick’s outfit on Saturday night, she also received a second down
down but can’t remember what it was for. Flaps received one for his
rendition of Joh Travolta in Saturday night fever on the dance floor.
GM delicious thanked all those hashers who helped out on the weekend. It
was a great weekend and I am sure everyone had a great time. A reminder
about agpu on the 31st of October at the Leap Hotel.
If you are interest in a position on the new committee, put your hand up
The song was sung and then the pizzas began to flow. Wendy did a great
job on preparing the pizzas (as usual) A great effort by cook Tounger
and chief pizza slicer Shocker.
See you all at 17 Jarrah Street next Monday for the last time. If you
get in early you can check out the shed to see if there is anything you
want but don’t need, there is plenty of it.
On on flaps
Run #2190
Run Date: 15/10/22
Run No: 2190
Hare: JCF & Lite ‘N’ Easy
Venue: Cameron’s Pocket
Hashers: 48
Hashers from as far north as Cooktown and south to Noosa and everywhere in between rolled into Cameron’s Pocket camp ground in anticipation of a PERFECT celebration for Mackay H3 P party celebration run.
Perfect weather, Perfect company, Perfect food, Perfectly chilled beers, what more can you ask for.
A Perfectly excellent weekend was had by all.
Thanks to all the visitors for travelling for the weekend, I trust that you all had a Perfectly good time.
Thanks to the Mackay Hashers that turned up, helped out and partied all weekend.
A final thank you to our Perfectly organised committee for a great weekend.
ON-ON Fork
Run #2189
Run Date: 10/11/22
Run No: 2189
Hare: Delicious
Venue: 117 Tropical Ave, Andergrove
Hashers: 22
On behalf of Tonguer, who apparently can’t spell.
20 or 30 hashers turned up to enjoy the pissing rain….. well, that’s what we’ve come to expect from Delishio…. But bugga me, not a drop to be had.
Anyway, Delish forced us out to the front gate, and informed us she had procured the services of trailmaster Daff. Of course, he knew nothing about it, so, armed with a stick of chalk, declared a live hare run, and set off laying the trail whilst we tramped along in pursuit. Eventually we got sick of traipsing around Andergrove, and headed on home to the beer. There we listened to tales of caravanning from Snot n Insex, who appear to have returned, after running out of roads to explore in outback Oz.
The Monk called for silence, and entertained us with more bloody history, before distributing down downs to the hare and non-hare, another for Delish, some for returning runners Snot n Insex, probably more for other hashers, but I wasn’t paying attention thinking Tonguer was writing this report, but no….. he don’t write apparently!
There may have been some jokes, and there was some charges, and maybe some tall stories, but all has been lost in a blurrrrr.
Circle done with, we settled into some curried type nosh, which must have good, cause there weren’t none left over.
Tucker done, we sipped some more booze and nibbled some cake, and then went home in the pissing rain. Except it wasn’t raining.
OnOn to Tonguer’s pizza shop next week.