Run #2158

Run No:2158
Hare: Smut
Venue:  57 Bradman Drive Glenella
Run Date: 28th February


We were running late for we had an extra passenger, a wallaby that was released on our block but was still attached to humans. A Wild Life Carer was picking it up the next day. Corgi decided she would keep it a night to see how it was faring.  Just as we were turning the corner Maniki Pussy was backing in with the Hash Esky. All set, Smut called us all out the front and the trail was set with a round imprint that looked like bird poop Maniki Pussy explained after we got back from the trail. It took a while to find the trail for Nicker had parked on top of the first mark. Seeing a couple of marks, we headed south along Bradman Drive, all chatting   following the ones in front until  someone asked if any more marks were seen? No marks so we about turned and headed back to Tallon Street where JCF was calling OnOn. On reaching Davey St, I seen a young bloke with no shirt on, running after JCF shouting out at him, a bit of a worry I thought but he eventually came back to us and explained that he heard JCF calling out something. Apparently a stray dog had wandered into his place and he thought JCF was the owner.  All walking in the right direction we headed for Hillside Terrace, Arthur Street to the Piss Stop at Emmanuel Park where we found Smut patiently waiting. JCF and myself informed Smut that we hadn’t see or heard any other walkers for some time and thought they may have headed home but several minutes they arrived. It was on home from here, only 1.7klm’s, Smut’s car wasn’t big enough to fit everybody, so home we walked to find a cold beer. Dips and bickies were on the table and soon after the circle was called. Nicka was charged with parking on the first mark, Corgi for bringing a wallaby to the run(definitely a first), Daffodil took it for her, Delicious for leaving 2 pot holes in Wombat’s back yard after she was bucked face forward by her chair, Queen Bee, Hard Drive & Rare Butt for returning runners. Several jokes were told by whom we can’t recall.

Smut brought out two large pots of curry (1. Massaman & 2. Dahl) and one of rice which was soon devoured by the hungry Hashers, compliments to the cook, more drinks were had until Maniki Pussy announced last drinks. Shortly after we all said our good-buys and headed home.

Thanks Smut, another enjoyable night was had by all. 


Corgi and Daffodil.

Next weeks run is from Evolution Park, South Eastern end of Maggiolo Drive, Paget.

Run #2157

Date: 21st February 2022
Run No: 2157
Hare: Wombat 
Venue: 8 Hokins Street Glenella


Anticipation was high when enthusiastic Hashers gathered in the backyard of Wombat’s Hokins Court ponderosa.

After much procrastination, a reluctant bunch gathered in the front yard to receive some basic run instructions from Wombat before setting off on a short but well-marked trail around one block of Glenfields estate. Late arrivals, Wheelie and Maniki Pussy met the inbound front runners not far from the start and were left with no other option than to turn around and head for home also.

Appetisers were served while stand-in Hash Cash (Pensioner) wrestled some cash out of the other 20 Hashers.

The circle was called, the run was critiqued and the Hare received a down-down before promptly advising of her recent birthday, which triggered a rendition of Hashy Birthday and another down-down. 

No sooner had Wombat assumed her place back in the circle, she was front and centre again, alongside Madame Curie and Maniki Pussy taking a down-down as a returning runner.

There were a couple of lame stories that I can’t remember before Raggedy Anne’s 400th run was recognised with a pair of personally embossed shorts, which she proudly modelled soon after.

With the circle closed, Wombat presented those gathered with lashings of chicken and salads, nicely finished off with calorie laden cake.

At some stage during the evening, Delicious sought to spice things up a bit with a dead-ant impersonation – there were nearly some crowd-crush injuries as multiple well-meaning first aiders rushed in to assist. Delicious returned to her seat unaided and initiated recovery operations – rolled a smoke and gulped a slug of cider!!

Hashers bid their farewells, thanked Wombat for her hospitality and returned to the security of their own homes to begin preparations for next week’s run at 57 Bradman Drive.

 On-on Smut


Run #2156

Date: 14th February 2022
Run No: 2156
Hare: Half a Boat
Venue: Palm Street Cremorne

A very small band of warriors turned up at Palm st for the run this week. One of them being Tarzan who has been absent for about 10 weeks recovering He  landed this job of writing this  report, got a down down for  being a returning runner, and broke news of the passing of Mia a Hasher from Mackay. Honourable Monk gave a lengthy report about the true origins of Valentine’s Day which dated back to the Middle Ages and continued on to present day. Some lame jokes were told & Top Knot received a down down because he’s jaunting off to Columbia & Venezuela for some special deals & hopefully some hashing, Pensioner copped another birthday drink coz no one could remember that he had one last week. (Too bad ).The run itself was exactly 3.9 km according to hare Half a boat, got the usual song for poor planning & lack of excitement. Nosh was served up & readily consumed thanks to Chopsticks with a special serving of chicken from her hometown in China. Circle was closed & after a couple more drinks every body buggered off On On Tarzan.

Run #2155

Date: 7th February 2022
Run No: 2155
Hares: Tonto & Lassie
Venue: 23 St Bees Ave Bucasia  

A shower this morning but it cleared to a sunny day. We arrived earlier than we used to for we found a park easy behind Pensioner. Golly & Raggedy were there with the beers. Screw had given Delicious a lift since Flaps is still away. Delicious gave us an update of how Zorro was recovering and a few were missing such as JCF, Tarzan , Top Knot & Wheelie who may be back next week. Delicious thanked Golly for doing Hash piss as well as the cans return for the last couple of weeks. Nicker & Piccolo, Tonguer alias Dad without Dave , Hardrive & Rarebutt completed the group. We set off along Bucasia road after a couple of on backs I found and turned towards the beach where Lassie was making up the piss stop. Ginger Ale, Beer & Green Ginger wine, very refreshing and the ginger certainly cleared the throat.  bike riders sounding their bells behind us. Dogs and their owners were out for the evening walk as well. Pensioner was first in again.

Lassie had a corn relish & tuna dip & biscuits ready. Mossies came in on dusk so the circle was called by Delicious. As we had no Song Master Delicious nominated Daffolil to sing a song for the Hare, anyone else charged, another hasher was nominated to sing a song and if you couldn’t remember one you were asked to join the charged.  Tonguer thought of a new one -Fu**Fu**Fu**Fu**, he was also charged. A bit of fun it made you think on your feet. Lassie had won a meat tray so we were treated with rissoles , sausages , Salad & Rolls which went down a treat. Chocolates & Carmel Mousse due the slice didn’t set. Tonto couldn’t find those chocolates in the fridge. Lassie said he had a man look because he found only two gold beers instead of the four in the fridge as well. An enjoyable night was had by all. Thanks to Lassie & Tonto.

Corgi  & Daffodil

Run No #2154

Run Date: 31st Jan 2022
Run No: 2154
Hares: Hooker
Venue: Hooker’s Joint

HashTrash 2154, Hooker’s Joint


A tidy group of 18 wandered into Hooker’s back yard, to find her head down arse up trying to convince 2 chooks to get into their cage before the two resident HashDogs Donnie and Penny ripped  the little fockers to shreds. After milling about and general banter the hare called the group together, where we discovered JCF seemed to know all about the trail…. In fact, it almost sounded like he himself had set the run. Anyway, off we trekked, around the corner and into the North Point retail district, where we furtively peeked into every bloody shop, before sliding down into a very wet open drain system, which led us northwards, only to be viciously accosted by a flock of morbidly obese ducks. Quaking (or quacking) with fear, we bravely continued on, only to find SCB JCF pointing to a trail leading the wrong way …. Nope…on left leads to the beer, so on left it was.
Back at the chicken ranch stand-in HashCash set up shop, and collected money and beer, until eventually the Monk called the circle to order. Down down for the hare Hooker, but amazingly JCF also sidled in for a downie…. Hmmm…. It’s becoming clear just who the bloody hare was. Hooker also had an extra downie or two, but I can’t recall why. No matter. The Monk launched into one of his ancient history quizzes, part of which appeared to be lost, so, on to the charges. Teflon was enjoying her final night before farking off to Brisvegas, so McFanny decided to embarrass her with a long monologue about a cruise ship, which involved Teflon dropping a world champion fart, without missing a beat on the way to the tucker stand. Well done. We welcomed back Prick, after his Xmas holiday down south, which included having bits of him surgically removed. Then we welcomed 2 newbies, Thomas and Joy, who gave us a detailed account in 3 seconds of their lives thus far. A call for stories/jokes saw me present my own quiz, involving politicians, before welcoming back my old friends Flavio & Giovanni.

Tounger then told a joke which fell flat on it’s face, as no one got it.
Then it was time to farewell Teflon in song…. Fark off, fark off, fark off etc, before closing with the club song.

Tucker time! Hooker dragged out two old tubs of rice and curried sausages. Very nice indeed, however Piccolo decided it needed pepper, and proceeded to tip half a bottle of peppercorns all over her plate. And then she ate it! Methinks many farts coming….

Then we sat about drinkin beer and talkin rubbish, which included a story about Zorro, some policemans, and a licence growing wings and flapping off. Zorro, however, wasn’t there to confirm or deny, something about undergoing open heart surgery that morning. Some people do anything to avoid questions! (Get well soon y’ole fart)

There may or may not have been some other shit happening, but me can’t remembers.

Enough dribble, off we went into the night.


See ya next week at Bucasia Botanical Gardens aka Tonto & Lassie’s.



Run No #2153

Run Date: 25th Jan 2022
Run No: 2153
Hares: Knothead
Venue: The Barrons Dr, Andergrove:
Hashers:15 or 16

What an awesome run with everyone in attendance in attendance agreeing. Knothead setting an amazing trail delivering perfect circles as checks and arrows to put a road painter to shame providing direction. No hills, water, mud or grass just concrete pathways and great people to chat to.
Run done we headed on in for a coldie or two as the anticipation built for one of Smut’s best circles to date. Charges were given to a few for something or other, others told some pretty funny jokes which no one could remember afterwards and we all sang the song perfectly as usual.
Hash nosh was exotic sausages and bread which was also very tasty. Many went back for seconds. Chit chats out of the way we all went home until next week!

Run No: 2152

Run Date: 17th Jan 2022
Run No: 2152
Hares: Golly & Raggedy Ann
Venue: 4 Trochus Court Shoal Point
Hashers: 16

When I offered to write the run report in the circle since Knothead was nowhere to be seen, I didn’t realize that Raggedy had organised a going away cake and had the run as a goodbye to me!

So, this run report is all about me! (or the first bit anyway)

As my last few weeks living in Mackay comes to a closure after nearly 48 years (which I have loved) I have made a big decision but not a rushed one to relocate to the Sunshine Coast to be closer to my daughters – one on the Sunshine Coast and one in Brisbane. The drawcard is not only my 2 lovely daughters (one of them being Hasher Strap-a-Dick- to-me who many of you know already) but 4 beautiful grandchildren.

I thought I would reminisce about my Hash involvement. I joined Hash in October 2009 when Strap-A Dick to me (eldest daughter) returned from living in Abu Dhabi where they had been involved in Hash over there. In those days Mackay Hash was called ‘apathy Hash’ but over the years I have seen it develop into a strong Hash club with great Hashers bringing their talents to the fore to develop the Club that it is today. I have been to places I would never have gone, had the best social events and Away Runs with Cameron’s Pocket (Wintermoon site) being the best find ever! I would like to thank everyone for their friendship and comradeship it has been a great chapter in my life. I intend to pop back every now and then and Covid permitting am planning for our Annual Christmas in July social weekend at Clairview. I will still be updating the Website too so will know what’s happening at Mackay H3.

So on with the Run Report:-

Arrived at Raggedy and Golly’s abode to find everything set up and welcoming us all. Golly busy cutting up the onions but not a tear in site. We welcomed a new runner who had moved up from Sunshine Coast and now living around the corner from Raggedy & Golly’s. Evelyn had already been nicknamed by Noosa Hashers as Queen Bee as she had encountered them on camping trips.

We waited a while before setting off to Shoal Point Road where we went over the hill and down to Nautilus Park where Golly provided a very yummy Hash Piss. Golly sent us off on the trail the beach way which was just such a gorgeous evening for it. It even got a ‘Ripper Run’ song sung which was a bloody change from the ‘shitty trail’ we usually endure!

Nibbles brought out, $$$ gathered by our trusty Flaps and the circle called. Smut started with his own version of ‘the Chase’ we should call it ‘Hash Chase’…  Tounger charged Mango for her burnt cookies at last weeks run which she wasn’t happy about and then tried to charge her for him getting a speeding fine on his way home! Well, this was reversed deservedly so!

Hare Golly charged himself for his birthday, so Hashy gusty Birthday was sung.

Jokes and charges laid – song sung and Hash Nosh Yummy BBQ served. But wait there’s more, a goodbye cake was brought much to my surprise. Thank you to the committee and Raggedy for organising this.

Hashers dwindled off after a very pleasant evening thanking the Hosts for their hospitality.

On On





Run No #2151

Run Date: 10th Jan 2022
Run No: 2151
Hare: Screw & Fork
Venue: Maple Dr Andergrove
Hashers: 22

22 Hashers gathered at Fork and Screws Home, on another warm hash night, hoping it would be a short run, Screw gave instructions, off we went  following the trail, around the streets, Lassie showed us her running skills, when she spotted the Piss stop, Go Girl , 🏃‍♀️ Very tasty brew it was, On On home, great run,
Dips and biscuits were served,
Circle was called,
Jokes told, Down Downs for some, knot heads new shoes, got a Christening,
And Lassie for over achieving,
Hash Song, then Circle was Closed
Hash Nosh was served, Very Nice Rice and Savoury Mince, Followed by Yummy Chocolates and Rum Balls,
Another great night of Hashing,
Thank you Fork and Screw,
On On,
Raggedy Ann 👣


Run No# 2150

Run Date: 3rd Jan 2022
Run No: 2150
Hare: Pensioner & Mango
Venue: 12 Douglas Cres, Rural View
Hashers: 16 

16 lost souls turned out on a hot summer’s night for Pensh and Mango’s canter. With the piss arriving, Pensch giving Daffodil driving backwards directions, while all of us talked shit. Pensch then turned to us to give run directions, set in chalk (pissweak marks at that), and there , was a piss stop.

Off we went down the hill, then up hills and down dales ‘til we found the piss stop. It was on home from there,  through streets and up and down more hills. Nibbles were served, drinks drunk, stand in Monk JCF called the circle, down downs handed out, jokes and stories told, bullshit talked, song sung, circle closed.

Hash nosh was served, lamb casserole and potato bake, very nice, with home made brownies for pudding, well done Mango. Few more drinks were had, by this time I  got tired and went home.

ON-ON Screw




Run No #2149

Run Date: 27th December,2021
Run No : 2149
Hare: Corgi & Daffodil
Venue:  Ooralea Waters Park
Hashers: 9

With the recent festive stuff goin on, members were off holidaying, or too full of tucker to get off the couch, or too full of booze to manage to stand up. Which left a small compliment of 9 souls to turn up to Daffodil & Corgi’s sojourn around the recently completed swamps of Ooralea Waters. The trail was easy to find, cause Daff was with us pointing out the right direction. We wandered through old cane paddocks before venturing into a new estate filled with new houses, and eventually back to the picnic area. Once there we dived into a beer or two, with nibblies and dips, and, as darkness descended, out came 497 million mossies, and 236 million grasshoppers.
Some suggested we forego the usual circle stuff, however, at Corgi’s insistence we gave it a go…. Down down for hare Daff, and 2 for me…. Dunno wot for, something to do with completing the run/walk. There may have been other charges, but I can’t remember. No jokes, no stories, it morphed into a quiet night, until Corgi dived into the Landcruiser and emerged with a big tub of chicken chowmein, which I’m sure they’ll be eating for the next week.
And then, in true Aussie BBQ tradition, we segregated ourselves onto the 2 available tables…. one containing 6 Harriettes, and the other 7 blokes. Well done!
Some more general bullshit, and then someone decided it was time to leave, so, we all did!
Well done to C&D for not only providing the trail n tucker, but for dragging along a trailer containing the esky!
Now then, next week. Well, that’d be at our joint, The Whitehouse On The Hill, 12 Douglas Cres Rural View. See ya there.


