Run No #2005

Run Date: 4th February
Run No #2005
Hare: Hot Rocks
Venue: 22 Sneyd Street Mackay 
Hashers: 18

We all gathered at 22 Sneyd Street, wondering whether it was to rain?? but we were lucky and we didn’t have any. We followed the Hare around for about 30 mins well except for Tonguer who was fashionably late! and others that didn’t make it at all! Hey girls?

Hooker did 5 mins and returned to home. Chips & Dips were served. Circle was called by The Monk Tarzan and JCF as Monkee. Flaps told a few jokes, can’t remember the rest. Hottie was given a down down for his birthday, he always tries to slip under the radar. Drip Tray for being a Grandma for twin girls recently born and Hottie for being a Grandpa. Don’t remember him being a Father!!

Very good evening, plenty of fun and leftover Away Run Nosh.

Zorro’s run next week, same nosh again, except steak and bacon, no sausages. All went home happy with doggy bags.

BYO Chair for next week at Zorros.

On On

Run No #2004

Run Date: 28th January 2019
Run No #2004
Hare: Screw & Fork 
Venue: 80A Maple Drive Andergove
Hashers: 16

This the report for Screw & Forks run on 28th Jan. Weather crap,BIG HASH weekend made for a small rollup. Short run was set but washed away by some monsoon or other so we ambled around a bit not using too much of our flagging energies.Most  of us who attended  our 2000th run at Cameron’s Pocket( excellent  venue) who turned up looked a fair bit worse for ware. We were joined by visitor (Wank)  Newcastle & Graduate ex Cairns but moving to Mackay. Down downs were given for these two and a couple of other obscure ones which I can’t remember .Very quiet circle only a couple of jokes told. However the NOSH was fantastic c/o left overs from the weekend. Steak,bacon ,eggs,mushrooms,onions tomatoes,bread & SAUCES ALL YUMMY thank FORK. Circle closed with normal Hash song. See ya next week all recovered hopefully. PS JCF has to step down from the MONKS position any one interested in this Highly sort after office please step forward next week. ON ON Tarzan.

Run No #2003

Australia Day 2000th run celebrations
25-28th January 2019 Camerons Pocket

For photos please go to Mackay Hash House Harriers facebook page.

Run No #2002

Run Date: 21st January 2019
Run No #2002
Hare: Drovers Dog
Venue: 16a Gold Street Mackay
Hashers: 23

Well a fair few of us found our way to Drovers Dog’s place of aboud, as the monk had blocked the hares transport in, it was up to Screw to take the hare to set up the piss stop, which was good as I knew the trail, so then we gathered out front and the hare told us where to go, but, I already knew, and the wee Lassie had seen this and followed me like a small puppy, we meandered down a few streets, and found the piss stop, funny that I thought that I had been there before, (is that visionary), so we all drank the good tasting brew, until it ran out and it was OH, nibbles came out, Pensioner complained he missed out, to busy collecting money, then the circle was called, and the hare got his just deserts, hang on there were no deserts, anyway he got a drink, charges were called, to many to remember, jokes asked for and again I couldn’t remember, by this time everyone was hungry, but hold the bus, the dogs had to feed first, Drovers fuck the dogs, feed the  multitude then the canines, anyway the dogs would not have liked the curry cum chillied stew with rice and bread, nice Drovers, by this time most of us had our fill and toddled of home, great night had by all, so ON ON to the 2000th run celebrations, then to our place on Monday night.

Run No #2001

Run Date: 14th January 2019
Run No #2001
Hare: Half a Boat
Venue: 43 Cremorne Street, Barnes Creek
Hashers: 16

The mob of hashers assembled at the little shed by the Old Pioneer river, opposite the now familiar round house. After explicit instructions from 1/2aboat, we shot off out the back gate and down under the Barnes Creek bridge, where we turned north-east to follow a delightfully mysterious and well marked trail which led us past a certain solitary cat, moored on the river.

We all commented on how nice it was to follow a trail with absolutely no ashphalt, or cars or houses in sight. The trail led through some very dense mangroves and sand crabs, and we were surprised to find no black mud to clog our boots, WOW!!!

Anyway, back at the little shed, we enjoyed some nibblies whilst we shed all our hardearns to Hash cash, along with a few coldies to help us get in the mood.

The circle was up to its usual high standard, with some clever jokes, and meaningless down -downs.

Now I don’t need to recall who or whom were the recipients, the main reason is that I can’t recall.

We witnessed a pair of hashers receive a milestone gift for some ridicules amount of runs attended, namely Daffodil, and ????? another someone. Yeah I know,,,,,, old timers disease,,,

Anyway,,,,, a good time was had by all, and Halfaboat,s gourmet rissoles with peas n spuds went down a treat.

So that was that, and we all toddled off.

Hooroo from Viagra.

Run No #2000

Run Date: 7th January 2019
Run No #2000
Live Hare: Mango
Venue: 12 Douglas Crescent, Rural View
Hashers: 14

With the Christmas and New Year celebrations a memory we eagerly gathered for a walk to burn off some calories.
Hashers of all ages but mostly middle to old couldn’t wait to get back to sample the beer and food on offer. Let me tell those that didn’t attend, the beer was good. Very good in fact. A few conversations were struck before the call to form a circle was announced. With that we charged our glasses and got ready for the jokes, banter and charges.
The circle was simply amazing, people got charged for things and we all laughed at them sang them songs of support and we even repeated a few old jokes. We were informed of the upcoming stuff like executive lunch and next week’s run before our hungry tummies closed the circle, so we could eat.
And eat we did! Best Hash Nosh of the year if you ask me? We sat, ate, drank, chatted and then went home.
Great run 11/10. Until next week

On On
Half a Boat

Run No #1999

Run Date: 31st December 2018
Run No #1999
Hare: McFanny
Venue: 17 Grasstrail
Street Andergove
Hashers: 9

Well, the end of 2018 has rolled around, and we found New Year’s Eve fell on a Monday, aka Hash Night. A good many of our hash team were off doing New year’s stuff in far flung places, so it was left to the remaining bunch of 9 to wander over to McFanny’s wee hoose for a touch of Scottish Hogmanay. But first, we needed to follow the trail, which was rather difficult, as there
wasn’t one. Instead, we followed a live hare, aka McFanny, as she led us through the wilds of Andergrove. Luckily, we were protected on the trail by 3 very vicious guard-dogs, McTavish, Little Ted and Penny, who wouldn’t have a bite between them.

On we went, until after a short time we miraculously found ourselves back at the beer. McF disappeared into the kitchen and rustled up some nibblies, which we ravenously fell upon. It was around about then that we discovered Stand-In Hash Piss Teflon had done such a good job the
piss was frozen! Fortunately there were a couple of other eskies with
drinkable beer.

The Monkee
called the circle to order, and The Monk immediately decreed this to be a
sit-down circle, so sit we did. The hare received a down down of champers for
setting such an arduous trail.
The Monkee Mango received a down-down for attempting to
 become a Channel 7 media star.
A lame joke was told, the song was unsung, and the circle
closed in record time, allowing us to settle into some
New Year’s cheer.

McF produced
some snags n steak which she passed over to Corgi, then pointed out her new BBQ
to Daffodil, then pissed off back inside leaving Daf n Corgi to cook the

Some spud wedges and sweet corn, and we was set for a feast. A little later McFanny produced a log made of cream, ice cream, chocolate and other stuff….. you could actually see waistlines grow with each chomp. We then settled into more beer n wine n stuff to await the New Year. Yep, we actually stayed up until midnight!
Well, with the exception of JCF, who had 2 other piss-ups
to attend, and Corgi and Daff, who couldn’t quite make it past 11.00, and had to slip home. Hmmmm. Maybe they had another plan to welcome the New year.
Anyway, the rest of us stayed telling many stories of days gone by, until suddenly fireworks exploded throughout Andergrove and bugger me, it was 2019. So, it was a small turn-out, but we had a damn fine time, talk about eat drink and be merry!

Thanks to
McFanny for your fine hospitality, and never-ending yarns, including some very
disturbing reflections on the abundance of dick-pics making their appearance on
her phone!

As we
prepared to leave in the early hours, McFanny was busily singing into her wine

Next week we
celebrate 2000 runs! That’s roundabout 38 years of Hashing. And some of the
originals still run, er, walk. Tounger, Daffodil, Corgi, Blurry, Flaps, any
I’ve missed?

Anyway, see
you at Mango & Pensioners joint.


Run No #1998

Run Date: 24th December 2018
Run No #1998
Hare: Teflon & McFanny
Venue: 37 Mango Ave Eimeo
Hashers: 13

T’was the night before Christmas with piss all about A dozen cheery Hashers went out and about Following the North Star with anticipation of finding a Great Northern beer, the Hashers raided the esky and up went the cheer!

Fortified by piss and Christmas fun, we followed the reindeers, McTavish, Little Ted, Penny, Donny, Rosie, Corgi and Lassie towards the setting sun.

Around the lands we searched high and low to find the baby Jesus, but miserably failed in our quest,  unable to find 3 wise men and a virgin we returned to Teflon’s nest!

Following a lengthy and highly entertaining circle we retired for dinner awaiting a Christmas miracle.

A great feast of lovely legs, cake and cream was greedily ate.

A Gentleman Caller and his Harem of Harriets sat in wait.

In awe of the charisma he exudes, the Hares muttering, “how does he do it, he truly is great!!”

Many hash jokes and stories were told, carrying the Hash tradition of talking up bullshit sevenfold!

The esky was empty and all full of cheer, all pissed off home the esky devoid of beer.

Ready to do it all again next week on the last day of the year!

Merry Christmas

On on




Run No #1997

Run Date: 17th December 2018
Run No #1997
Hares: Wheelie Bin, Fill de Jaw & Hot Salami
Venue: 32 Spinnaker Way, Royal Sands Bucasia
Hashers: 20

No Run Report for this week 

Run No #1996

Run Date: 10th December 2018
Run No #1996
Hare: Streaker
Venue: Unit 5/3 Hunter Street West Mackay
Hashers: 22

No Run Report for this week 
