Run No #1995



Run Date: 8th December 2018
Run No #1995
Hare: Trail Mistress McFanny
Venue: 17 Fairmeadow Drive Mt Pleasant
Hashers: 28


Our Christmas Party date arrived and so too had the wet weather! but this didn’t dampen the spirits of our Hashers who turned up to celebrate this special time of year, wearing the Christmas attire! 
Our Trail Mistress had set an envelope run (with Christmas Bows on I might add) to add to the flavour of the evening but it was a unanimous decision NOT to do the run and instead we had a ‘mock run’ reading our very cleverly rhymed instructions inside the marked envelopes, even with our vodka shots. 



Circle was called around the pool while it wasn’t ‘pissing down’ and Hot Rocks took the dive to get his down down. Delicious & McFanny came suitably dressed down to their undies which they just had to show us. 

The raffle was drawn for the Christmas ham & extra goodies and Beer Tap with number 69 proudly took her prize! 


Nibbles were brought out along with Prawns, that Half a Boat had organised and cooked himself. 

We were all instructed to come inside for Santa and his helper’s arrival and out of the bedroom they came. I’m not sure if it was Mrs. Claus though as he/she was wearing a dress! & he did have something in between his legs (but no one was game to look and confirm exactly what it was) although Fork did get a red marker and do some artwork! Santas helper looked rather dashing in her re tutu. Santas Helper had organised a game for us to enjoy our Christmas cheer so she very patiently helped Santa get the presents together and then explained ‘how the game worked’ to each and every one of the 28 people there. Lots of laughter and fun as you can see by the photos. Golly even got to wear his upside down! Thanks Santas Helper for arranging this. Will you come back again next year?? 

On On to the food where a delicious array of food appeared on the table outside…wow what a feast for all to enjoy. Well done to all that contributed. Thanks girls for hosting the party at your place, it was a terrific night. 

Merry Christmas Everyone. 

On On 





Run No #1994

Run Date: 3rd December 2018
Run No #1994
Hares: Daffodil & Corgi
Venue: Muller Park 88 Boundary Road Ooralea
Hashers: 22


We all gathered together on a hot steamy night!

Down the drain we went, Raggedy took a little spill, but recovered well, then up the wall the other end, most of the harriettes needed a push up !!

around Ooralea we walked for about 50 mins, then back to the park.

Nibberlies and drinks were had ,then circle was called by the monk. MANGO !!!!!

On a sad note I had to tell everyone that 69 degree’s son-in-law was tragically killed last Wednesday, in NSW. A very sad time for 69 degree and family. We send all our Hashy love to the family .

Then on with the circle.  Jokes were told, nearly everyone who told one got a down, down. The Monk was relentless.  Charges were given to Raggedy, for bringing a pillow  to sit on, to protect her delicate little bum ! Teflon for laughing at a joke then telling Hooker she didn’t understand it, and can’t remember who else.  There was a reminder about the Hash Christmas party.  People are asked to bring a $10 present and to bring swimmers unless Nudie swimming is your thing!  Zorro is giving us a display !!!!!!

The Hash song was sung and the circle closed.

Nosh was steak burgers followed by Tin Tams, very yummy!!!!!  Just in time time as electrical storm started with some much needed rain.

On On till next Monday’s run at my place, Streaker.

Run No #1993

Run Date: 26th November 2018
Run No #1993
Hare: Delicious
Venue: 117 Tropical Avenue, Andergrove
Hashers: 28


It was a smoky evening with the sun setting a bright red orange glow from the fires up the valley and no rain in sight, dam! It almost always rains on Delicious’s run. Viagra put his order in last week but no luck tonight.

Teflon was the last to arrive so we all gathered out front where Delicious gave us the run directions and that there were Hash Feet available for sale for your car as displayed on her car.

Off we went down to the end of the street turning left and across to follow the drain for 50 meters and then left into Marshall Avenue and around and across to Emperor Drive to Schnapper Court. Then into Broomdykes Park to check further to Domino Crescent and Newton Street. We crossed over Bedford road to Fleurs way to turn left into the drain to come into the back entrance of 117. If you came in from the front you didn’t do all of the run. Delicious met me after I got a beer from the Esky thinking I didn’t do all of the trail but assured her I did saying I saw her I’m sorry sign after doing the on back in the park walk ways. Delicious meant to ask at the start of the run how many fish streets were there on the run? I couldn’t answer at the time maybe three? About ten runners had found a shorter walk to get back earlier. There wasn’t much breeze but still a pleasant night in the back yard with green grass under foot.  Delicious keeps up with the watering. Out came the hot potatoes, even though a warm night they were soon devoured.  The Circle was called by Mango and JCF and Delicious took her down down for setting the run. There were charges to JCF for offering to help set the run but didn’t, Mango for leaving the mugs behind in Wombats care last week, Streaker for charging her, and  Piccolo’s Birthday. Milestone Run awards were given to Half a Boat, Pensioner, Fork, Prick and Snot which Paw Paw organised. 

Prick 700 runs (Esky), Fork 400 runs (shorts), Pensch 200 runs (towel), Half a Boat 50 runs (cap) & Snot 800 runs (Torch) 

Hooker stopped the circle for a photo of the Milestone runners.

Jokes were told by Hooker and Pensioner that I remember and then Hash Nosh of Chicken and Beef Patties and Salad rolls that filled you up followed by Strawberry and Passion fruit glazed cheese cakes. All very tasty thanks to Delicious. The night air seemed heavy and yes there was fog on the way home in the hollows. Beer Tap, Drip Tray and Hooker were off to have a swim before bed and Zoro wanted to join them. Last Drinks were called and a enjoyable night was had.

On On

Daffodil & Corgi




Run No #1992

Run Date: 19th November 2018
Run No #1992
Hare: Wombat
Venue: 8 Hokins Court, Glenella  
Hashers: 28


Three very keen hashers Snot, Flaps and I have obviously nothing better to do on a Monday, as we arrived at Wombat’s 20 minutes early.  Set up our chairs and waited for the rest of the pack to show up.

When it looked like everyone was there, well Tonguer had arrived, Wombat called out the instructions for the run, and everyone headed out to the road and On On to the left. After what seemed an eternity, everyone wandered back, in dribs and drabs with mutterings of hills being involved, and apparently no pubs.

Streaker and Tarzan provided the bags for the new recycle scheme “containers for change”, and we then helped ourselves to the Hash Piss.

Nominated Monk for this week in the absence of JCF was Mango, who copped quite a bit of heckling from none other than Pensioner, I don’t think he will be having sex again anytime soon.  Our GM Streaker filled in as Monkee but seemed to forget she had to actually pour the drinks, as the first charge for Wombat as the Hare, was nearly an empty down down mug.

After this the circle ran quite smoothly and very quickly, I think Mango just wanted it to be over. Down Down’s for our Visitors Grumpy & Spinner from Illawarra Hash. Many more charges for talking in the circle, Baagoose for wearing his cap, and others that I can’t remember, including some for bad taste jokes.

A reminder was given about our Christmas Party coming up on the 8th December 2018, don’t forget your Secret Santa present.  I will also be selling raffle tickets next week to win a Christmas Ham.  A big thank you to all for your support in buying tickets.  All money raised goes towards prizes for the Australian Day 2000th Weekend. Early Bird Price finishes on the 1st December, so get those registrations in.

Executive lunch today is at Flaps, 17 Jarrah Street, Beaconsfield. $10.00 for Lunch and BYO Grog. Next week’s run is from my place 117 Tropical Avenue, Andergrove so you may need to bring your umbrellas?  Then the song was sung, and the circle closed.

Wombat served up rice and I think Chow Mein, may have that wrong but it was a very nice mince and cabbage dish x 2 with bread & butter, followed by Tim Tams for desert.  Then after a short but loud fireworks display, we all went home to bed.

On On



Run No #1991

Date: 12-11-18
Run #1991
Hare: Prick
Venue: BBQ area behind North Mackay Bowls Club
Hashers: 32

Prick set the run at Gooseponds set in chalk, thinking its a short run 2K when it was suppose to be 4K, we missed double arrow on trail. Prick was not happy. Anyway Beer and Pies and Peas went down well. 

Thanks and on on for next week’s run



Run No #1990

Date: 05-11-18
Run #1990
Hare: Golly & Raggedy Anne 
Venue: 4 Trochus Court Shoal Point
Hashers: 33


Oh what a lovely run. There were 33 intrepid Hashers on the move at the superb beach resort of Golly and Raggedy. A hot day, a Northerly breeze and some 5 degrees cooler than in town had everyone ready to roll.

Golly gave the instructions [ chalk and toilet paper ] and off we went through the streets and bush and beach and sand and guinea grass and sandhills and then back to the streets . An OH was found leading to the sanctuary of the Golly residence. Then came the beer [ cold ], circle [ large ], a few jokes, charges and down downs, a virgin runner [ Scotch ] , and a beautiful ham salad for dinns! This had to get the healthy meal of the year award. 

A few more beers, a few more lies and then we all headed for the hills. Tonguer and I were last out at 9 proving that Hashers are turning into a mob of weak poofs with zero staying power.

On on. Prick.

Donny got a down down

Kirsty virgin runner with McFanny the interpreter

Lassie with her Award


Run No #1989

Date: 29-10-18
Run #1989
Hare: Piccolo
Venue: 82 Grendon Street North Mackay
Hashers: 29


29 Hashers gathered at Piccolos house for her envelope run,

Off we all went down the road until we came to a gate,

Then headed off in another direction along the levy bank,

Until we came to the phone tower, On On we went , was a good run,

Circle was called by our new monkee Mango,who had to pour quite a few drinks,

As a lot of down downs were given , well done Mango,

Piccolo for hare

Shocker and Sweetmeat for the lovely surprise of announcing their engagement,

And they are having a baby, wonderful news, Congratulations to you both,

Returning runner Bargoose,

A lot more down, downs, but cannot remember who got what and what for,

Circle was closed, Hash Nosh served ,

Delicious cornedbeef, chicken and salad

Chocolate biscuits for dessert

Thank you Piccolo , another great night of hashing

ON ON   Raggedy Ann.


Run No #1988

Date: 22-10-18
Run #1988
Hare: Pensioner – thanks
Venue: Mackay Bowls Club Nebo Road 
Hashers: 29

29 Hashers turned up on time for the AGPU. Pensioner had set one of his ‘short and sweet’ envelope runs to keep the night flowing so we could have the elections before our Din-Dins. 

Awards for 2017-2018 were given out to the following: 










On that note, Radish called for nominations for GM. Streaker was nominated and accepted the position, congratulations Streaker. Our first female GM ever??

Streaker then took the role and thanked the outgoing committee for their hard work and commitment. She then saw the new Hashers one by one get voted in for their new positions. 

Monk – JCF
Monkee: Mango
On Sec: Teflon
Hash Cash: Pensioner
Hash Piss: Half a Boat
Trail Mistress: McFanny:
Haberdashery: Paw Paw
Hash Horn: Viagra
Hash Choir: Tarzan


Last but not least the ‘Dirty Old Man Award’ was given to Tarzan. You might have to explain that one Tarzan! On that he was given the hang up poster board for the year! 

Circle was called and jokes told, charges laid, much chatter. Then it was time for our din-dins. Hash sung song. See you all next week at Piccolo’s. 

On On 



Run No #1987

Date: 15-10-18
Run #1987
Hare: Radish & Paw Paw
Venue: 44 Jarrah Street Andergrove
Hashers: 32


32 Hashers turned up at Radish & Paw Paw for the left-overs from the Away Run. Off we set down near the Andergrove Village, through the paddock out the back and on on into the never never. At this point I rang Paw Paw and said where is the Hash Piss Stop, presuming I would get a lift home from there. She said I don’t know anything about the Piss Stop, so Raggedy and I turned around and came back the way we came, stopping off to get some ice-cream to go with the Bread & Butter Pudding made from left over Bread and milk (us Hashers are resourceful). We were no longer back, and the rest of the pack turned up too. The Piss Stop was back at Jarrah Court!

Over we go to pay our dues to Pensch who is very well set up for the job who was taking over from Mango who was taking over from Delicious. Then he announced that the committee had decided that since the food was all left-overs from the Away week-end that we wouldn’t have to pay.

Circle called, and charges laid but the best one was Wombat charging Zorro for being the only midnight runner at the Away Run and she was detailed in her observations.  Zorro apparently asked her to join her in the run, Wombat said ‘you wouldn’t be able to see me’!

Great to have Peau Beau back in the circle with his jokes, Charges for Viagra for forgetting his joke half way through & Corgi and Daffodil for not having a joke. Welcomed JCF’s daughter Megan as a Virgin Runner with a down down. Down Downs for returning runners Harbour, Peau Beau & Quickie.

BBQ fired up to cook up onions, steak, bacon & sausages. Add in the eggs and a tomato relish that Quickie had whipped up. You could even toast your bread if you wanted to.

Last run for existing Monk and Monkee for 2017, so Monk thanked the committee for their hard work and commitment and it will be ON ON to the AGPU next Monday night.

On On 


Run No #1986

