Run No #1988

Date: 22-10-18
Run #1988
Hare: Pensioner – thanks
Venue: Mackay Bowls Club Nebo Road 
Hashers: 29

29 Hashers turned up on time for the AGPU. Pensioner had set one of his ‘short and sweet’ envelope runs to keep the night flowing so we could have the elections before our Din-Dins. 

Awards for 2017-2018 were given out to the following: 










On that note, Radish called for nominations for GM. Streaker was nominated and accepted the position, congratulations Streaker. Our first female GM ever??

Streaker then took the role and thanked the outgoing committee for their hard work and commitment. She then saw the new Hashers one by one get voted in for their new positions. 

Monk – JCF
Monkee: Mango
On Sec: Teflon
Hash Cash: Pensioner
Hash Piss: Half a Boat
Trail Mistress: McFanny:
Haberdashery: Paw Paw
Hash Horn: Viagra
Hash Choir: Tarzan


Last but not least the ‘Dirty Old Man Award’ was given to Tarzan. You might have to explain that one Tarzan! On that he was given the hang up poster board for the year! 

Circle was called and jokes told, charges laid, much chatter. Then it was time for our din-dins. Hash sung song. See you all next week at Piccolo’s. 

On On 



Run No #1987

Date: 15-10-18
Run #1987
Hare: Radish & Paw Paw
Venue: 44 Jarrah Street Andergrove
Hashers: 32


32 Hashers turned up at Radish & Paw Paw for the left-overs from the Away Run. Off we set down near the Andergrove Village, through the paddock out the back and on on into the never never. At this point I rang Paw Paw and said where is the Hash Piss Stop, presuming I would get a lift home from there. She said I don’t know anything about the Piss Stop, so Raggedy and I turned around and came back the way we came, stopping off to get some ice-cream to go with the Bread & Butter Pudding made from left over Bread and milk (us Hashers are resourceful). We were no longer back, and the rest of the pack turned up too. The Piss Stop was back at Jarrah Court!

Over we go to pay our dues to Pensch who is very well set up for the job who was taking over from Mango who was taking over from Delicious. Then he announced that the committee had decided that since the food was all left-overs from the Away week-end that we wouldn’t have to pay.

Circle called, and charges laid but the best one was Wombat charging Zorro for being the only midnight runner at the Away Run and she was detailed in her observations.  Zorro apparently asked her to join her in the run, Wombat said ‘you wouldn’t be able to see me’!

Great to have Peau Beau back in the circle with his jokes, Charges for Viagra for forgetting his joke half way through & Corgi and Daffodil for not having a joke. Welcomed JCF’s daughter Megan as a Virgin Runner with a down down. Down Downs for returning runners Harbour, Peau Beau & Quickie.

BBQ fired up to cook up onions, steak, bacon & sausages. Add in the eggs and a tomato relish that Quickie had whipped up. You could even toast your bread if you wanted to.

Last run for existing Monk and Monkee for 2017, so Monk thanked the committee for their hard work and commitment and it will be ON ON to the AGPU next Monday night.

On On 


Run No #1986


Run No #1985

Date: 08-10-18
Run #1985
Hare: Beer Tap & Drip Tray
Venue: 17 Fairmeadow Drive Mount Pleasant
Hashers: 28


About 20+ something athletic Hashers gathered at Beer Taps place ready to take on every hill between Sarina and The Leap as the hare is NOT famous for setting short runs. On Tonguer time (6.10pm) we all set off, slowly gaining height . One hasher got altitude sickness and retired to Mt P tavern to recover. After seeing the lights of Mackay from several high points we all returned to some bandaged little boys for snacks, then a lively circle where DD’s were given for sitting in the circle and telling shitty  jokes among other things.

Beer tap excelled with plenty of great nosh of meatloaf veggies and gravy.  After that most were looking for bed so we went home.

Next weeks run is at 44 Jarrah St. abode of Radish and Paw Paw. See you there.

On On


Run No #1984

Date: 01-10-18
Run #1984
Hare: McFanny
Venue: 13 Grasstrail St Andergrove
Hashers: 26

1st Report

26 mostly broken down old farts and 1 whipper snapper assembled at MacFannys. After swapping some gossip we set off on a nice stroll around Melalluca park, or whatever that areas called, following or not following some fairly patchy trail marks.

A not so long walk was followed by the usual odd charge, some odder jokes and then strong contender for “NOTY”(Nosh Of The Year) supplied by the esteemed 3 Dunlop star chef MacFanny. Great effort MacFanny, a good night had by all then we went home.

On On 


2nd Report

With the absence of the report writer for this week and the monk forgetting to seek, select or nominate a victim, no one wrote a report.

What a fine public holiday, thanks your majesty, it was. Somewhere between 15-25 eager hashers and some virgin runners turned out for run 1984 kindly brought to you by the hare of the week, McFanny at her humble abode, As the writer missed the briefing he or she followed the pack into the darkness. With plenty of arrows and checks the pack stayed together scared to venture out. Corgi seemed to be the only one of us with enough courage to go it alone.

As usual, the opportunity came along just as the body pain moans and groans started and most of the pack took opportunity to shortcut and head back to the safety of the hares lair whilst Corgi and a few dedicated followers completed the rest of the trail. Or so they say! Meanwhile back at the den, the hashers were drinking and bullshitting until the Corgi’s came home.

The circle was called, the usual rubbish and important things were discussed, some hashers were charged and proven guilty, some of the best comedy was delivered and we were introduced to not one, not two but three virgin runners. The monk seemed a little reluctant to want to involve one of two of them, maybe he knew them or something. After the aroma of food was detected the circle was closed and the food was on.

What great food it was at McFanny’s nest! Many said it was a three course meal because they went back for seconds and then took in a delicious dessert.

Well I have run out of ways to say house, so until next week at Beer Tap’s warren, On on Anon


Run No #1983

Date: 24/09/18
Run #1983
Hare: Pensioner & Mango
Venue: 12 Douglas Cres Rural View
Hashers: 24


Set by :- Pensioner (broken down old runner) and Mango who had to step up to the plate

What a pearler of a run! It had everything  from bitumen to grass to water and rocks and hills

Whilst i didn’t count how many hashers entered the event i would say there were anywhere between 5 and 50 walkers and runners. We even had a ring in, Metro from Coffs Harbour

We all had high hopes for this being Pensioners run, thats right to be more accurate the run had a lot to be poor about,No Piss Bus as promised, Never the less we all found our way around the Premier Gardens estate finding water, cane paddocks,  false trails really the run had the lot, obviously he has noted the fine examples the incredible Hashers of Snot and Blurry and had run out of envelopes.

Arriving back we feasted upon finger food for a while,whilst Mango cooked up a dinner fit for Royalty! …incredible i hear you say. Ok, But it was great, thanks Mango.

Now the downside.  There were a swarm of mossies to greet us upon arrival, hills did i mention hills which were a blessing at the start but later regretted by many.


The hare and his co-hort Mango..

Metro the visitor

Lassie n Tonto for fornicating in Debbies seafood and for losing apparel at the Seabreeze Tavern earlier

Snot 2 downs for not getting a BJ from Insex

Blurry for ?..?

Blow Jo for telling a joke that Knothead would have been proud to clain as his


Really nothing noteworthy enough to remember

Then the piss truck left, did I.

All in all it was one of JCF’s better circles, but it has been noted that he promised to bring his ‘bride’ along, made some feeble excuses  but seeing as its impossible to give the Monk a down down I let it slide as Insex was getting pissed drinking my down downs for me

Next week is Pricks Birthday so see you at McFannies, in Foxtail ave,


Run No #1982

Date: 17/09/18
Run #1982
Hare: Viagra
Venue: Seaview Park Bucasia
Hashers: 19


A band of 19 Hashers gathered at the BBQ in Seaview  Park Bucasia for Viagra’s little jaunt. There might have been 19 of us, but there was 19kazillion little black mozzie biting bastards as well. A liberal dose of aerogard and baby oil saw the mob ready to slip into the wilds of BuckAsia. That way, cried Viagra, and off we went, only to find an on-back to the start. Apparently we set off in the wrong direction. Shortly thereafter, I blew a fetlock and had to retire back to the beer, which I found, safely locked inside the piss-truck. Bugga. The rest of the mob carried on through the park, and into the wilds of Bucasia, only to return in dribs and drabs to the start…… mumbling about this and that, usual stuff for a hash run.
Viagra produced some bickies and store-bought dip, and then bought out some curried egg dip made by Vunderbra in Der Black Forest…. Very nice it were. Then a tub of garlic spuds appeared, which kinda sunk into itself and became mashed spuds.
After much gossiping and sipping, the circle was called and the troops stood to attention. Down Downs were provided for the hare Viagra, Prick for having a birthday (again), Lassie for having a birthday, Lassie again for turning up, Insex for returning from deepest dark NT, Snot for wearing a hat in the circle, Teflon got a free drink for talking in the circle, and The Monk was called for having a phone in the circle, but under threat of reversing the charge to everyone we let him off. Wheely Bin was called forward to receive his yo-yo, which he’d lost last week at lunch at Magpies. He seemed delighted, and immediately threw it away again.
Jokes, some old, some new, mostly rehashed, were provided by Tounger, The Monk JCF, Blurry and not by Daffodil. I regaled the mob with a history of the 12.29 Executive Lunch.
Some more general bullshit, and a warbled version of the Club Song, and the circle closed.

Viagra produced a dilly-bag, from which he extracted some sauce, some mustard, several loaves of bread, and finally a large foil covered baking tray, which contained BBQ’d sausages and onion. Traditional Hash Nosh indeed! Much munching ensued, followed by much beer, until the mob wobbled off home, led by Tarzan on his racing bike.

All-in-all a great night. See y’all next week at our joint.


Interesting read from Delicious facebook post in Kuala Lumpur





The Hash House Harriers were originally formed in an inspired moment in 1938 within the environs of the Selangor Club, in what was then known officially as the Selangor Club Chambers although it was jocularly nicknamed ‘The Hash House’ by the residents.

‘The Hash House’ stood almost opposite the existing entrance to the old wing of the Selangor Club, although some yards back; the building was later demolished to make way for the Jalan Kuching flyover.

As a rather zany kind of running club the Hash House Harriers remained unique to Kuala Lumpur for 24 years but; since 1962, it has spread widely around the world and by 1982 has grown to approximately 300 loosely-affiliated clubs in over 50 countries and on all continents except Antarctica.

Kuala Lumpur Hash House Harriers held their 2000th Run on 6th November 1982 and the celebrations began where the movement started over 44 years ago, in the Selangor Club, Kuala Lumpur.




Run No #1981

Date: 10/09/18
Run #1981
Hare: Teflon
Venue: 37 Mango Ave Eimeo
Hashers: 22


The Hare is Teflon and she is excitedly handing out her Extra Virginal white, numbered envelopes to all us eager runners. Off we trot down towards the beach at Eimeo and soon find ourselves in the new Eimeo red light district, which turns out to be a safe haven for the local native turtles colony, and not some sordid area for reprobate hashers.

The run went perfectly, until we came to envelope #7, which it seemed was nowhere to be found. Nobody knew what or who, until Beer Tap raced off yelling that she knew the way to the next envelope destination, and so off we trotted. Meanwhile, further down the track, Hooker  produces old #7, thinking that she held #11, WTF!!!  

The circle was called, the hare was annointed with a down-down, several low grade jokes, lots of other charges were paid for with down-downs, then we all enjoyed some of Teflon’s culinary delites, which went down a treat.

Hope to see you all at my run at Bucasia Beach park, opposite the old Jivoli Cafe.

ON-ON Viagra.

Run No #1980

Date: 03/09/18
Run #1980 
Hare: Committee Run 
Venue: Zorro – Satellite Crescent Outer Harbour
Hashers: 21


21 Hashers arrived at Zorros for the evening and what a good Hash spot to gather. Looking rather ‘dapper’ were Delicious, Flaps and Snot wearing their new 40-year Rockhampton Hash shirts from the weekend.

Pensch had been volunteered to do an envelope run so out the front we went to gather our envelopes and to head east. We ended up going up on cnr Presto Ave & Satellite Cres, then Envelope 2 opened back to Zorros, then head west to Presto Ave & Satellite Cres, then back to Zorros, at least it gave a piss stop each time around.  That’s where I stopped, and the rest of the herd went over to Harbour Road where the numbered envelopes were followed. Mango’s run report wasn’t so complementary though when she announced it was the worse run set ever!

Back at the ranch GM decided to offer the Hashers a free night, which gave the Hashers more money to buy Raffle tickets.

Matches made her yummy dips which were devoured in no time. Circle was called, down downs were given, charges laid,  and jokes told. Pensch had a beauty as did Delicious. Good belly laughs.

Paw Paw gave out the jackets that were on order, still more to come. Thanks to Radish for arranging to get them over to Australia without any charges thanks to his contacts over there.

Half a Boat was busy with the BBQ and saucepan of oil cooking up a storm of well prepared food. It was the most systematic, hydromantic, grease lighting affair I had ever seen with double gas burners and Half a Boat’s Mother’s rissole recipe that hit the spot. Great effort by Half a Boat and Mrs Half a Boat.

To those heading over to Kuala Lumpur have a great Hashing time. For those left in the trenches, see you at 37 Mango Ave Eimeo next Monday. You should all know the drill about parking by know. 

On On


Run No #1979

Date: 27/08/18
Run #1979 
Hare: Prick
Venue: BBQ area on Gooseponds behind North Mackay Bowls Club
Hashers: 22


Hi all

22 gathered at the goose ponds for one of Pricks famous goose ponds runs ( or is that infamous) The run was beautifully set plenty of marks to be followed, the unfortunate thing was they were marks from one of Tarzan’s runs and one of halfaboats runs. Much confusion rained down, should have been wet rain not confusion rain.

There were a few shortcutters  who made it back in plenty of time to grab a cold beer, then the rest came back in dribs and drabs, with wombat one of the first of the mail pack. 

The circle was called to order. Prick received his just desserts for confusing the runners (not that it would take much to do that) Snot was given a down down as a returning runner quickly followed by another one for wearing a hat in the circle he claimed it wasn’t a hat but a cap, but that cut no ice with the monk. Scary Eye Ball was given a down down for being a returning runner as well, and nearly choked on the concoction Golly had made. Jokes were told by Blurry (knotheads poxy, sorry proxy) so he received a down down for that. Pensioner told a joke and was then given the nomination for another all up to his usual standard. The song was sung with great gusto and out of sync. The circle was then closed. Nosh came out a beautiful corned beef with carrots and onions. streaker was lucky she got a plastic onion’ everyone was jealous and wanted to know where theirs was, lovely mango chutney, tomato relish, pickles, mango sauce and plenty of bread, but NO butter.

Next weeks run is at zorro’s place and is a committee run. Looking forward to catching up with you all after a weekend at the Caves for Rockys 40th anniversary run.

on on flaps
