Run Report 1875

Run Date: 26th September 2016
Run No #1875
Hare: Hooker with JCF setting the run
Venue: 4 Pharlap Parade Ooralea
Hashers: 30

A crew of 30 hashers arrived at Hookers on the dark side of town. JCF and Hooker called the crew of hashers to order and started the start with directions from JCF. Direction came with some hills and mud (What big lies JCF tells). BUT, he forgot to mention about the traffic we had to dodge and highway we had to cross. (Our lives in hand). First corner was a check, second corner a check, then to find the so-call chalk and flour mark, a blind man wouldn’t even find them. On trail once again, crossing the highway at the lights, finding our way around the back block of Paget, meandering our way back to highway again. This is where the crew split up and wondered home to Hooker place for some refreshment and nibbles.

Circle was called. Charges to the following: Dianne and Rae being virgin runners, Smeg and Zorro for not knowing how many people are going to the St Lawrence run, Blurry and Blow-Jo for doing same thing over and over every-day through the week.  Also, Blurry and Smeg for putting forward a proposal for Nash Hash in Mackay for 2019 (Everyone to think long and hard about this proposal). Pea-Beau contribution with his jokes told by the Monk (Pensioner). Hash song was sung and circle closed.

Hash Nosh was lovely as usual. We have some fantastic cooks in Hash. Welcome done.

See you at McFanny’s next week.


On On Breast Stroke

Run Report 1874

Run Date: 19th September 2016
Run No #1874
Hare: Teflon with Golly’s help for Run
Venue: 37 Mango Ave Eimeo
Hashers: 27

A rowdy bunch of 27 loyal hashers gathered at Teflon’s tropical residence at Eimeo, to discover that Golly had gallantly set a clearly-marked run on Teflon’s behalf.

The run which consisted of many twists & turns, meandering through mangroves, up hills & through dark tracks: proved to be both challenging & rewarding for the few that actually completed the entire run.  Good on ya Sweet Meats its easy seeing by the look of the ‘bod’ that you’re not afraid to put in the hard yards.

Disappointingly it appears that Golly joins the murky ranks of fellow Hashers Smegma & Hot Rooks ….. ” ï.e. lying bastards”. No sand? No hills? Not too long? Bullshit Golly! Raggedy Anne & others rerouted after the 2nd track led through mangroves you had to crawl under.

Flaps did a great job of filling in for our absent Monk; he managed to keep the flock in order while some pretty average jokes were bandied about & sniggered at.

Teflon did a great job of feeding the hordes of hungry Hashers. Copious amounts of curry chicken were consumed, which meant the writer missed out on left overs – Dam it!

On! On! Hooker

Run Report 1873

Run Date: 12th September 2016
Run No #1873
Hare: Zorro/Committee run
Venue: Mackay Fencing 72 Satellite Crescent Outer Harbour
Hashers: A whopping 34!

As we walked through the gates of Mackay Fencing we were pleasantly surprised to find Poppy’s Wood fired Pizzas setting up. Yum Yum!  Phil or Poppy was a Hasher so knew that Hashers would eat whatever was put in front of them, so with 34 people, we almost ate a whole pizza each with 28 pizzas consumed + garlic bread (or a couple in the end were stashed in Zorro’s fridge for his workers the next day) ….I think that beats Tonguer’s pizza numbers.

Order was called and Zorro sent us on our way. He then decided to do some moving around of ‘stuff’ so the 34 of us could fit in on our return. Everyone took their pace, went distances that suited their ‘sore bits’ but we all returned to the smell of those yummy pizzas.

Mango worked her little butt off getting all the $$$ sorted, so the circle could begin as we couldn’t be too long for Poppy had been given a 7.30pm start. The monk gave usual charges to Hare, but a few others copped a down down, Snot for being Snot, who then produced a toilet brush from his arse crack, god knows where that had been (had he found it on the run?) and then proceeded to push it in one of the ‘down down’ pewter mugs. Well that went down like a lead balloon and was immediately removed to the back so as not to confuse it with the other mugs. The monk continued ‘catching my eye’ with his jokes though.

2 birthdays were sung to and down downs – Blurry and Lassie. We welcomed Shannon who took a down down, friend of Cummalott and Jessica, Lassie’s daughter. The bestest award went to Tonguer for 1300 runs where he received a very impressive blue jacket. Good on you Tonguer. Well done.


Hash song sung with gusto and the pizzas just kept coming! Hooray for Poppy and we hope to see him next Monday night as a regular Hasher.

See you all next week at 37 Mango Ave Eimeo.

On On


Run Report 1872

Run Date: 5th September 2016
Run No #1872
Hare: Drip Tray
Venue: Northview Gardens Park, Cnr  Schapers Road & Royal Boulevard, Glenella.
Hashers: 26

Hi you all

Well, about 20 plus people wearing all different club shirts from all around the country gathered at a kid’s playground in Northview Gardens to play on the play equipment, only to find the gates locked. WTF is with that!

Anyway, DT disguised as Knicka sent us on our way. Run went this way, and that way, who cares? Did I mention that the mighty Sydney Swans finished minor premiers yet again? Well they did, and I couldn’t even share the glory with Prick. Where is that lad, probably getting his tickets for the Grand Final. But I’m not doing that again, like in 2014 when this scribe bought flights to Melbourne, then went to the ticker tape parade. Woke up early GF day and walked around the MCG, not once, not twice, but yes 3 times, asking everyone for a ticket. To my relief, a Carlton Supporter who had a long season with no success was happy to off load his ticket for the princely sum of $500. Then I retired to Federation Square for some quite ales to wait for the game to start, only to be offered $1000 for the ticket prior to the bounce down, 🍺🍺 and I knocked it back. I then proceeded to watch my Swans get a proper flogging. Should have taken the cash! I see the Storm finished On Top but maybe the Cowboys might come good for back to back flags.


I love September, and then we were back at the playground enjoying beers.   A tad chilly but it was ok, no fire again WTF.

Circle called and the usual bad and poor taste jokes, until Delish put her hand up to try and tell a joke she had seen on faceless book. Added a few expletives which was part of the script but it came out alright, still enough for a down down.  Daffodil got one for joining the “old retired bastard’s brigade” he can now go to Executive lunch with all the other free loading bastards that live off my taxes.  Can’t remember anything else that was special, apart from Blurry going the grope on Delish from behind and saying “Guess Who “and she declared “Don’t care”.  Circle closed and into the nosh and more beers, wind was getting fucking cold so we packed up and pissed off.

Next week’s run from my work place so remember full hi vis, steel caps, JSA , WMS, take 5′ Slams etc. etc. bring a chair too.  I don’t have many of them, can’t have my workers sitting down even for crib.


On On Zorro

Run Report 1871

Run Date: 29th August 2016
Run No #1871
Hare: Piccolo
Venue: 82 Grendon St North Mackay
Hashers: 28 Lots

A new venue and lots of Hashers turned up for Piccolo’s first (virgin) run. Thank god for that, she has been as nervous as a virgin in a brothel for weeks about it.  A good 5 hours over three secessions was spent tromping all over North Mackay until she was finally satisfied. I blame “the Prick” for that, because he advised her make the run a hard one, “to make the bastards suffer”. Then didn’t turn up.  Monk please note.

At as close to 6.00 as it is possible with that rabble, the herd were sent off in two directions, runners one way, walkers the other, while there was still some daylight left to see the special features of a well thought out trail.  But as usual as soon as there was the slightest deviation from a super highway in the trail the first breakaway group wimped out and headed back home. Muttering of wimp’s, soft cocks and chicken were heard wafting  through the breeze behind them.

At this point a commendation of bravery for Mango, who is not happy with heights, ventured  onto the bridge anyway . Then when the brain started to take note of her surroundings special thanks to DT who leaping from girder to girder like a spider monkey assisted her safely to the other side.

Once all the Hashers were safely across the bridge back on trail, we then lost another splinter group, but  led by the intrepid Smegma the rest of us followed the trail over a small creek with its stone causeway, built by the industrious trail setters, through the old dump, onto Harbour road.   Only Raggedy Ann had a wobbly boot at the creek and ended up with one wet foot.

Back along Harbour road where 80% of drivers have no idea where the left hand side of their vehicle  is in relation to pedestrians, into Hamilton St then On Home.

Back at the Piccolo ranch, the fire was glowing, the beer was flowing and conversations were growing, when some basted interrupted everything  and called a circle. The hare’s were given down downs for setting an excellent run, I got another one I think for Alzheimer’s, DT for getting a new job, sane for Smegma I think, visitors for visiting and others but I can’t remember or was talking .

You only have two days to get discounted registration for beach party, but that finished Wednesday so forget that it’s too bloody late.  More prizes wanted for the raffle. Song sung circle closed. Thank Christ for that because that is all I can remember.

What I do remember is the food. Started  with homemade dips followed with Lasagne and curry and rice and topped off with apple pie and cream  Not a bad spread for someone who has been telling us for months that she doesn’t know how to cook.

After that sumptuous meal managed to waddle back to the Esky for one last beer probably bored the crap out of people because not long after every one On On’d   home.

Good run, good food, good night.


On On



Run Report 1870

Run Date: 22nd August 2016
Run No #1870
Roots wish run – Hares: Screw, Fork, Roots and Wombat
Venue:  Willetts Road Park, then On On to 8 Hoskins Court, Glenella
Hashers: 43 came & went throughout the evening.

An intrepid crew of Hashers turned up at the run site to gather for a run for ROOTS.

By the end of the night the count was close to 40

In perfect hash style the oldies appeared Crabs, Drovers Dog, Lucky to name a few.

Pensioner kindly let ROOTS lean on his Mercedes and never commented. It was noted Pensioner was breathing heavily!

The offer was made by Fork and Screw to wander off round the goose ponds and while the pack was away more of the oldies appeared…U Turn Tinky Winks Chris….. Some of this lot including Daffodil went to school together…how do they remember it was so long ago!

ROOTS and WOMBAT kept everyone entertained until the pack returned and consumed nibbles and a traditional brew of port and lemonade. We then made our way to the ON ON at ROOTS and WOMBATS house in hash convoy…except for Blurry who decided to go another way and ended up in the convoy anyway!

We were met by more family and friends with Skipper Fresh Fanny and Trickle arriving after work to join in.

Once the Hash Piss arrived…not sure why it got lost ? the circle was called.

Pensioner did a fine job of dragging the ROOTS stories from the mob, thank you Snot Tonguer, Pants, Tar Boy, Drovers Dog, Hot Rocks, Blurry, Jock Strap and ROOTS himself. Apologies if I forgot anyone.

There were a few charges….Fork, Snot, ROOTS, WOMBAT, Golly, Blurry and of course a big down down to the oldies but goodies The returning hashers who came to see ROOTS. Pensioner managed to tell the longest worst joke and the circle closed.

NOSH was a serving of fine quality hash sausages with the trimmings and desert. 3 course meal a bit flash for hash I thought! The snags must have been good as even ROOTS ate one.

ROOTS bad everyone farewell as he returned to the Mater before they locked him out.

The stories continued as the beer flowed until the last of the hashers made their way home.

Thanks to the Hares for a great night.

And a big Thank You to ROOTS and WOMBAT for opening their house and allowing us all to share some great stories and many laughs with a very special family.






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Run Report 1869

Run Date: 15th August 2016
Run No #1869
Hare: Snot
Venue:  Boat Ramp, end of Tern Street, Slade Point
Hashers: 24

Well about twenty Odd hashers (and I mean Odd) turned up in cyclonic conditions for a Snot/Smegma debacle.  At the run site, Snot had (3) pigs on fire (he must have something against the police).

Around 6pm we were all called to order that the run was set and there was no mud (1st Fib).  So on we went, straight into the close by swamp, through mangroves, water, MUD, grasses, trees and finally out of the swamp onto Slade Pt Road.  Down the road until we turned left and back into the swamp again.  Cross a small waterway and then onto the on on, where drinky’s were attacked with gusto and the bullshit started.

Snot bought out hot spuds (tasted better than the nosh), circle was called and down downs given to the hare and to others even if they were duped, all because they could not get rid of the Tun. (I suggest if this happens again, just get the monk and monkee to drink it themselves, piss poor planning). Hash song was sung and circle closed, nosh was called (called what the fuck!)  After a very small serving of cold chips, small plastic bags containing, (1) raw snag, (1) raw rissole, (2) pieces of white bread and a couple of marshmallows were presented, to be cooked by oneself on the hot pigs.  Well, as I like the police I did not want to upset them, so myself and others decided to enjoy some home cooked nosh and I bade goodnight.  (Something I forget to mention about the circle, that, on the run there was plenty of toilet paper set as trail, but no Cummalott to be able to take advantage of it for her wee stops).

On On


Run Report 1868

Run Date: 8th August 2016
Run No #1868
Hare: Golly & Raggedy Ann
Venue:  4 Trochus Court, Shoal Point
Hashers: 29


What a great number of hashers turned up for Golly’s run.

Hare was all prepared, tarp put up, to shield us from the wind, and a great fire going!

We all set of , after directions from the  hare, the pack broke into 2 lots ,

some heading left up a hill, the other lazy bastards turned right to do our own thing!

Then we broke into 3 packs.  Pensioner took this lot back to the eskie!!

By all accounts, hashers who headed up the hill ,said it was a great run,

On getting back beer and nibblies were consumed. Circle was called!!

jokes  and usual garble was had !!!

New hasher Sharon was named  ” Shizza”.

A better hash song was sung this week!! probably because Hoty actually sang

Circle closed, and a lovely bbq was put on by the hares, a few more beers , bellys full.

Then it was time to head off home !!!!




Run Report 1867

Run Date: 1st August 2016
Run No #1867
Hare: Prick
Venue:  BBQ area – Gooseponds, North Mackay
Hashers: 30

Was great to see so many keen hashers arrive at the goosepond for pricks run,

We all gathered around, and were told which way to go,most headed off in the right direction,

While some chose to go their own way,

Hot potatoes were waiting for us on our return

Circle was called,down, down for hare,

Hooker for 50 runs, and her birthday,

Virgin runner, and more down downs, a few jokes, then everyone tried to sing club song.

Circle closed,

Very tasty nosh was served of meat and sweet potato and bread.

Another great hash night,

On On.

Raggedy Ann.


Run Report 1866

Run Date: 25th July 2016
Run No #1866
Hare: Streaker
Venue:  Unit 5/3 Hunter Street, West Mackay
Hashers: 21

Oh, what a run. This was the run that had a dozen runs incorporated into it!

There was a run from Streakers’ over to the Bowls Club; guess who availed themselves of this option! No prizes for the answer.

There was the run that went via the old rail line, to the Army Barracks, to Nebo Road and then to Streakers’.

There was the run via the rail line, Army Barracks, Bowls Club then to Streakers’ place.

There was the run via old rail line. Army Barracks, levee bank and Ron Camm bridge to Streakers’.

There was the run via the old rail line, the cemetery. round a few graves then to the Bowls Club and on to Streakers’.

All in all we had a great time. There was enough flexibility in the run organisation for everyone to cater to their own taste in venue and distance and everyone availed themselves according to their personal taste and the distance they wanted to go! Well done Hottie and Streaker.The night was capped off with a few jokes, a few down downs, a great feed cooked by Smeg and then we all hit the frog and toad.


On on. Prick.
