Run Report 1858

Run Date: 30th May 16
Run No #1858
Hare: Corgi & Daffodil
Venue:  Blue Water Quays River Street
Hashers: 30

Ah…… the Blue Water Quay, wow what memories came flooding back. I set a run from here just after the place was refurbished, on Christmas day. My family said I was crazy, but off I went, set the trail, had the hot dogs ready and waited…….and waited…..and waited…..NO ONE TURNED UP! (The kids loved the hot dogs)

Next time, Septic set a cracker of a run from here on one of his return visits. All was going swimmingly until security came and told us to move on, as we had no permit to consume alcohol!!!!! Since when does anyone need a permit to consume alcohol…. I ask you.


Well none of that occurred on Corgy & Daffodils run on Monday night, as every base had been covered and the permit was boldly in place on the structure of the drinking area. (Actually, we did not see security all night….don’t you just love the downturn)

Not sure how many Hashers turned up for this run, but there were many. Daffodil called the rabble to order, and instructions were given. Runners could #%$k off, and the rest of us were going on a pub crawl…..OH YEAH!

First stop… the Crown & Anchor in river street (no pub-no beer…HUH!) then on to the Leichardt (no pub-no beer…HUH!) Can you imagine our disappointment….. this was a pub crawl explaining the history of the old hotels of Mackay, present and not present. Off we headed down Victoria street towards the next missing hotel. It was here that Hot Rocks and WHP, who did miserably at history in school decided that they had had enough, and pissed off in the other direction, wagging school again. (Ah old habits die hard….informants told me that they went straight to the Austral Hotel… there was beer there, so they had one)

Down we went to my grand parents hotel, Biddles, which now looked like a lawn mower shop, and again, no hotel, no beer. This hotel burnt down in 1976, and as the tour of past, long gone pubs proceeded, it was looking more like an inventory of Turner The Burners escapades, as most of these old pubs burnt down. ( lucky Corgy wasn’t a publican at the time due to her extreme fondness of setting fire to things, as I would think she may well have been Turner the Burner)

Next, off we went to Langfords, where there was a pub that was open and selling beer. This proved too much for Smeg and Snot, who weakened and had a beer. Beer in hand, they showed no interest in going further, and that was the last we saw of them. (Rumor has it that they made it to Taylors, where they had more beer, then they walked back to the ON ON)

The rest of the pack headed off through the streets of Mackay, stopping at the past sites of the long gone drinking holes, where Daffodil filled us in with information regarding year built, year demolished(usually burnt down) owners and past names. We even made it down to the Austral, then back home down River street. All in all, a very interesting night which made you realize that the older generation were a mob of piss heads, as there was almost a pub on every corner, with one corner having 3 pubs on it.

Back to the ON ON, where Pensioner was in fine form. Extremely funny jokes were forthcoming, which made it hard to consume the nibble’s provided while downing a cold beer and laughing at the same time. Even Hooker had a cracker. (Funny she doesn’t take me as being the type that goes to church??)

Down downs were given to the hares, as well as others for various misdoings, while second virgin runner, Comes With Noodles was given a welcome drink as well. (He went to Interhash as a virgin, and was christened by Hamersley takes it up the ass, do da, do da- apparently he went over with a female friend who was a virgin hasher as well—- makes you wonder if she was christened Noodles??)

Nosh was served, and everyone had a healthy helping of spag bol, followed by Port and Tim Tams. How exotic was that…..Corgy you have changed, very naughty.

Deep and involved discussions on how to fix the problems of the world ensured between sporadic groups, until Prick said I’ve had enough and mounted his bycicle and #$%ked off. This made the rest of us come to our senses, and we slowly #$%ked off as well.

All in all, a great night, and if there was something I missed, direct all complaints to Delicious. Pensioner, Snot and myself will not see you next week, as we will be heading to Port Douglas on our  motorbikes for a week of wild hogging, so the rest of you will have to manage yourselves at Delicious’s place…. the venue of next weeks run. Love to you all, and ON ON.


Burry or Bleary???

Run Report 1857

Run Date: 23rd May 16
Run No #1857
Hare: Flaps place
Venue:  17 Jarrah Street Andergrove

Hashers: 26

About 25 keen hashers assembled in front of Flaps’s place to get the info on his run. He said it was set in flour and handed out several maps with very small printing which made it very hard for a bunch of old half blind bastards to read. Away we went around streets, across fields, over water filled gullies following a well marked trail to Bedford Road / Oak Street roundabout. This is where things changed, one group headed north along Bedford road (short cutting bastards as it turned out) while the other group headed south along Bedford road. The SCB’S arrived home and enjoyed the big range of nibbles and cold beer while there was no sign of the other group. Later on, one by one they started to return all sweating and not smiling. Apparently they missed a mark at Grace Deguara Drive, went further down Bedford Road, turned right and found a large pond which I believe Hot Rocks and Knothead tried to circumnavigate with no success so they headed for home.

The circle started, the TUN was administered to those guilty ones, jokes were told, JCF had TUNS for taking a tumble on the run and standing in for Radish’s birthday and Hot Rocks had a TUN for McFanny,s birthday. TUNS also went to Visitors from Coffs Harbour, Quicky and Quickette, as well as returning hasher, Klinger. Nosh was served, Flaps excelled again with steak, chicken, rissoles and salad burgers with sweets to follow. On on until next week at the River Street boat ramp.


Run Report 1856

Run Date: 16th May 16
Run No #1856
Hare: Snot @ Smegs place
Venue:  18 Steen Street South Mackay

Hashers: 21

Well it was an argument as to who set the run on Monday night, was it Snot or was it Smegma. Who cares as long as someone was going to get a down down.

The run started at Smeg’s place with 10 or so hardy runners and 10 or so softy walkers.

Headed out the back of Smeg’s place then down the street up the street down the street up the next street down the next street up the next street down the next street. By now everyone was getting a bit dizzy. A few made it to Taylor’s hotel, or was it Langfords, who knows, all hotels look the same a bar and plenty of beer.

Hot Rocks was first back and then the quicker walkers, but Who Hasn’t Paid was nowhere to be seen. Panic started to set in because Smeg had run out of beer and the piss was firmly locked away.

It turns out he decided to join the walkers, the bastard, if Hotty had known that then he would have knocked him to the ground and stolen the key from him and all those who arrived back early would not have nearly died from dehydration.

Snot got the fire started with the help of fire lighters and two litres of kero.

Snot got a down down for setting the run then had another one just for being Snot and then another for no particular reason.

Smeg was upset because he didn’t get a down down (he really loves Tun of fun beer) so the Monk quickly obliged.

Virgin runner Graham (or Graeme) was given a down down and said he will be back just to have the Tun of fun.

Jokes were told (or so have been told they were jokes) more down downs.

Nosh came out, spicy meat balls which were really tasty. Bubbles really got into them having a second helping.

It was good to see Daffodil is slowly getting over his painful rash. Corgi will be pleased.

Good luck to all those hashers heading off to Bali for interhash. I hope you have a great time, send photos (not necessarily mounted unless you get lucky).

On on until next week at 17 Jarrah Street.



Run Report #1855

Run Date: 9th May 16
Run No #1855
Hare: Peter & Showus
209 Paradise Street Paget
Hashers: 27

Set by :- Peter (wtf a Peter) and Showus.

What a pearler of a run! It had everything  from bitumen to grass to water and rocks.

Whilst i didn’t count how many hashers entered the event i would say there were anywhere between 5 and 50 walkers and runners. We even had a ringin from Airlie Beach. More about MeerPussy later.

We all had high hopes for this being “Peters” first run well it was piss poor, thats right to be more accurate the wasn’t a piss stop to be poor about, Never the less we all found our way around the industrial estate finding water, cane paddocks,  false trails really the run had the lot, obviously he has noted the fine examples the incredible Hashers of Snot and Hotrocks.

Arriving back we feasted upon finger food for a while,whilst the barbie sizzled away cooking Arseholes and Snags with onion sides, salad available with either bread or buns, we even had beetroot how Aussie was that….in credible i hear you say. Ok

Now the downside.  There was a 2million candlepower light, some hashers couldnt take their hats off without being blinded! Unfairly imo, i received a down down twice before i snuggled in beside a harriet on the darkside of the circle.


Meerepussy…Airlie for coming and telling us about their run

Smegma for who knows why (or cares)

The Hares  for the usual sins


Knothead, pensioner, pensioner pensioner, Blurry who took the mantle away fron Knothead and Tounger as a useless joke narrator

I got tired just after this and Smeg and i shot thru after we examined the boat shed and boat.

On On



Run Report 1854

Run Date: 2nd May 16
Run No #1854
Hare: JCF (Jenny Craig Fucked)
7 Naish Avenue, Mt Pleasant
Hashers: 16

16 eager hashers turned up to JCF’s run from 7 Naish Ave. Not bad considering it was a long weekend.  Instructions were given and there would be no hills, of course no-one believed him. The whole of Mt (mount doesn’t sound like flat running to me) Pleasant.

The pack headed off down Naish ave then to Meyer St and lo and behold what should appear in front of the pack but the Mt Pleasant Tavern. It would have been at least 5 minutes in to the run and already there were those who had suddenly become extremely dehydrated and were in need of some quick fluid intake, they shall remain nameless, however we know who you are, but they did manage to make it back to the on on though.

The real runners managed to make it past the pub loudly cursing JCF for not having a piss stop there.

On to Norris road and then down Bovey Street. Again there was a moan of disappointed when the run didn’t go up Pollock street, so the great view could be appreciated.

Over to Malcomson Street here I think it would be prudent for some to head back to Willets Road

Thus missing out on the best part of the run, along Sams Road.

The pack arrived back and drinks were quickly consumed.

The hare was given his just desserts again and again and again. New runner Zac then complained he wanted to try out the tun of fun, so the Monk was only too willing to accommodate him.

Sweet Meat missed out on her birthday drink,again.

Flaps had a down down for his birthday on Thursday. I can’t believe how good looking he still is. Makes Richard Gere look like the Elephant Man with a hangover.

Jokes were told there were even some so funny  that I heard someone laugh at them.

Blurry had a down down for forgetting how his joke went, despite having practised on Hot Rock for 3 days.

The song was sung and nosh was eaten. Chips, boiled potatoes and then the main course of a great lamb stew and rice, jointly cooked by JCF and his daughter Megan.

It was home o’clock to everyone headed off after a great night.

TGIF this week is at 17 Jarrah Street, to help flaps celebrate his birthday. You only need to bring yourself. There will be nibbles and drinks.

On on flaps


Run Report 1853

Run Date: 25th April 2016
Run No #1853
Hare: McFanny
Venue:  13 Grasstrail Street Andergrove at her wee hoose
Hashers: 16

An ANZAC Day special run saw less than usual Hashers setting out on a well marked run. We trailed through the back streets of Andergrove and with some choosing to stay behind at on home those left to complete the run pondered,

Why did so many stay behind?

Did they know something us active Hashers did not?

Was the beer unlocked?

Did WHP leave the keys in the car?

Was there canapés and finger food that was going to be served prior to the active people returning from getting lost?

Will the Americans ever understand that guns kill people and so do people?

When will Captain Kirk understand Scotty means it when he says the,”she, the Enterprise, canant take any more captain.”

Which brings me to the next question, if McFanny has a wee hoose why did I have to use a toilet.

With this in mind, the trail was lost, probably as a result of all of the questions above.

Ok so ANZAC patriotism and liquid celebrations after the ceremonies flowed quite well from some places hey Oui Oui?

Anyway, back to the report.

We again focused and picked up the trail and found our way on home and yes we found the finger food.

A circle was formed by those of us that could stand, down downs were also handed out like lollies and some of the best jokes I have ever heard were told. The circle was closed and we ate a great meal!

On On

JCF (Jenny Craig Fucked)

Run Report 1852

Run Date: 18th April 2016
Run No #1852
Hare: Set by Hooker and Snot
Venue:  4 Pharlap Parade, Ooralea
Hashers: 25


It’s time we set the record straight before we continue.  This was without a doubt the best run set on the dark side of town for many months in fact it was the only run set on this side since the AGPU.

A crowd of superbly fit ironmen and ironwomen gathered not at Hookers, they were all brokendown wornout geriatrics, enough of this I digress.   At precisely 6.01 the rabble headed south along Pharlap Pde and as you would expect, the darkside contingent of Streaker, Hotrocks and Blurry or Bleary rocked up late, It was noted they probably weren’t used to navigating roads on the south side and got lost.

From this point on we went into a storm water drain heading south along a false trail to the fuk ya hahahar on back, from thence the trail went past a variety of backyards to an enormous hill climb, just ask Flaps,,

Left right straight ahead, by this time yours truly had had enough and I pointed the pack barring the shortcutters down a bridal path. BLURRY OR BLEARY found a piss stop the rest of us found the way home. Distance 2.5 k run 10 : 10. Superbly marked, shit that Snot does a good job.

Back at the venue, the beer flowed freely nibbles consumed with gusto, until the circle was called. Then the bullshit flowed more freely than the Pioneer River in flood. The monk, Pensioner, thought up some rule about hash ceremonial swords, but I missed all that, as Hooker started feeling me and felt something long and hard in my pants. Dirty minded bastards, it was the ceremonial sword shoved in there by Hotrocks.

20 minutes of jokes told, I thought we were going to get away without a down down probably as it was a faultless run. No the Pensioner remembered, we both enjoyed a lovely Tun. Snot charged the Monk for failing due diligence in securing the Hash PROPERTY, naturally he reversed the charge.  Wouldn’t have believed this if I wasn’t there to hear it,  but our beloved GM Zorro, grew a massive set of balls, and over ruled the monk. All this was too much for Hotrocks who unceremoniously stole the Sword again and airmailed it to the deep end of the pool.

Here it gets leud, Delicious couldn’t stand seeing the sword drowning and released the puppies and took em swinging oops swimming, the rest is history,

The Lady of the Lake The Lady of the LakeTimeless Myths



There were various other down downs but my mind wasn’t on the job any longer. So if you weren’t there you missed a great night.

Well done Hooker

On On till next week Snot


Run Report 1851

Run Date: 11th April 2016
Run No #1851
Hare: Viagra for Committee Run
Venue:  Teflons’ 37 Mango Ave Eimeo
Hashers: 24

An excellent night was had by all at Teflon’s Eimeo resort.

Viagra’s well set-out walk  was completed within perfect timing before 7 pm when approximately 1/3 of the 24 attendee’s arrived back to partake of a well-earned coldie.

Snot & myself, somehow lost our way (despite a clearly marked course), and arrived back a little earlier after conquering the first 2 hills.

The Monk was in great form (Could it be because of his embarrassment when he realised no one else had come in fancy dress?) Jokes went down well,  apart for the joke that Tounger read & tried to blame on Knothead – Shame on you Tounger

Sadly it seems that there not many Hashers have friends?  As ‘Bring a friend night’  only saw 2 unsuspecting visitors to our throng. Shaz took 3 down downs in good spirt & seems keen to return, however Jules said she rather move to Melbourne than have to mix with the likes of Hashers every week.

Pre-dinner nibbles were excellent Teflon. Gollies going to give us a blow by blow report next week to let us know if the oysters worked………….Oops ? Wait a minute, sorry Raggedy,  it’s gunna be more interesting  to hear your side of the story.

Pizza’s: perfectly catered to for the numbers of attendees & they were delicious!  Drumsticks for desert – the perfect ‘finale’ for those not-too-serious- drinkers ………But there were those that took theirs home wrapped up for later.   Ummmmm Delicious!

Thanks MHH Committee – very generous.

On On!


Run Report 1850

Run Date: 4th April
Run No #1850
Hare: Zorro
Venue:   Mackay Fencing 70 Satellite Crescent Outer Harbour
Hashers: 27

27 Hashers turned up at Zorro’s ‘hang out joint’ at the Harbour.

Longish walk by the time on my clock, not too much said about the run, only that some got lost. Sweetmeat was the first to return. As the others slowly filled up the space, nibbles were brought out to stop the hunger pangs.

After Hash Cash had done ‘her thing’ and also Hashers were asked for expressions of interest for the bus trip on Saturday 25th June, her folder was zipped up and the circle was called.

Charges for:-

  • Hare
  • Delicious for changing the venue for the TGIF from Airlie Beach to Townsville, and not letting anyone else know. The lights and single men of Townsville lured Cummalott and Delicious to travel further north. Fork and Screw had a lovely w/e in Airlie Beach without them! Were they responsible for burning down the Whitsunday Shopping Centre…..or was that Delicious and Cummalott and that’s why that got out of town quickly?
  • Charge for Chuck returning runner.
  • WHP charged Shocker for Stand in Sweet Meat (Sweet Meat2) for leaving her personal items at his run (due to the rain) and hadn’t been back so Shocker got the fine and to return the items
  • Snot charged Golly something to do with the last Ford coming off the production line? Mama bought a Ford

Pensch entertained us with his jokes, some supposedly from Peau Beau, but could you believe him??

Nosh brought down to feed the hordes, Spag Bol in the biggest pot I have ever seen! Parmesan Cheese to boot! Was there any left Zorro or did the Hashers live up to their eating reputations?

Put your thinking caps on as to who you can bring along on Monday night for our Bring a Friend Night.
On On

Run Report 1849

Run Date: 28th March 2016
Run No #1849
Hare: Viagra
Venue:   Blacks Beach Park Bourke Street Blacks Beach
Hashers: 16

Hash Piss arrived at the said place of the run only to find all of Mackay was having Fish and chips at this beach or Hash had a sudden influx of members. Those who don’t like walking for a cold beer had not saved a Hash Piss Car Park and no offers to remove their own wheels. Comments were made. A crowd of 16 hashers gathered at the beach. On On was called and off down to the beach we all meandered, filling our shoes with sand. Taking in the beautiful sunset and perfect night’s weather. a slight sea breeze and very few mozzies. Trail was set with multi colored surveyors tape, but tape markers were removed or nowhere to be seen or never installed. As trail tape was limited and as usual nobody listens to the trail notes, Hashers made their own trail and continued to find their own way home in the dark. All Hashers arrived safely.

Circle was called. Hare was called, meander report dispatched then the hare was TUN’ed. Popeye was TUN’ed for being born on April fool’s day, and appropriate Hashy birthday song sung. Delicious received was TUN’ed for smoking within 100metres of a children playground area and 100meters of the beach. Then Delicious plus Cummalot’s partner in nicotine were TUN’ed for smoking within 100meters of the beach as well. A few jokes were told. The new Hash song was sung and circle closed.

Hash nosh was served. Hot Cross bums, traditional and brown chocolate ones, for starters. Then homemade rissoles, fresh salad from Viagra’s garden and burger bums “YUM”.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY POPEYE for Friday 1st April.

See you all at Zorro run.

Have a great week.

