Run #2259

Date – 29/01/2024
Run – 2259
Hare – Matches
Venue – 35 Graves Street, North Mackay
Hashers: 20

I have experimented with many ways of describing what the weather was like on Monday evening but have finally decided on ” it was bloody hot “.

20 not so enthusiastic Hashers shuffled out the back gate, following the pack on Matches back which contained the piss stop and the assurance that it was a short trail. When we reached the PS where the expectation of a large refreshments of cool liquid awaited to replace the sweat we had lost getting there, only to be greeted with shots of unwanted booze from another cupboard clean out from the Zorro/Matches abode.  The redeeming factor was that it was highly alcoholic so after one sip we no longer gave a shit and induced a fast pace back to the cold beverages awaiting in the back of Flaps’s truck.

Slurp slurp gargle sounds, until finally the conversation restarted with the main conversation being THE BLOODY WEATHER then it degenerated into the usual crap.

Then Shocker once again, vainly trying to gain his minute of fame, interrupted proceedings by calling for the circle and then trying grow his tenuous control by falsely accusing Nicka of falsely over-talking him, BLAH BLAH. Then he turned his attention to the hare, Pussy F, returning runner’s & others.  News about Bargoose, he is back from Bowen and is able to have visitors. 

A few more pearls of wisdom, which I have forgotten, then the Hash song and into the tucker. 

After the silence of tucker and a few more drinks, the exodus started and the evening was over.

After being rudely bullied, the run next week is at Nicka’s.    I WILL GET MY REVENGE   !!!!


On On 


Run #2258

Date – 22/01/2024
Run – 2258
Hare – Daffodil & Corgi
Venue – The Park, Parkedge Avenue, Richmond Hills
Hashers: 16

A group of happy hashers gathered at the park for the night’s run, lead by Daffodil through the surrounding streets, for a gander.

Back at base camp, with Jatz crackers and dips, to complement our coldies.

Circle called, a charge for returning runner/hasher Titanic, various charges and jokes etc etc.

Nosh served up, a hot pot of tender beef and veg, and another pot, full of rice, along with fresh bread.

Followed by Tim Tams and a big selection of yummy gummies.

Thanks to Corgi and Daffodil.



Run #2257

Date – 15/01/2024
Run -2257
Hare – Golly
Venue – 4 Trochus Court, Shoal Point.
Hashers: 20

A lovely cool breeze was felt at Golly & Raggedy’s when we arrived waiting for the following possible shower but no, a clear new moon night. Poor Raggedy had her right arm in a sling. Yep she cracked a bone in her shoulder after a fall. Golly ushered us all out the front to let us know a trail was set & that there was a piss stop. Off down and around to the Shoal Point Road to follow trail to the new estate which was now open to traffic on the new road. We passed a mum training her siblings in road running working up their endurance. The new estate had blocks viewing the ocean high & low. Only one house was being started. Lassie was getting a break, no on backs tonight. The trail led down to the foreshore where Golly was waiting with a tasty drink stop. Lassie moved us on for the mozzies were starting to like us. PF was waiting with Flaps, Delicious, and Raggedy when we arrived back. He was running late and wasn’t keen to find the trail and catch up.  Flaps had made some Vegetable & Jelly appetisers which everyone was curious about. Dips, Cheese, Biscuits & beer nuts were there for our choosing as well.

Smut being on holidays, Shocker our Monkee called 5 minutes to the circle. First was Golly to receive his just reward for setting the run and again for standing out at the piss stop with is fluro cap in the dark bushes. Maple Syrup had a sympathy sip for taking leave from Mackay HHH and going on an extended holiday and another for spillage. Delicious was charged for Tarzan just had to sing his favourite song and Zorro for completing the whole run which he delegated Nicker to take it for him. PF was charged for being late and not trying to find trail. Jokes were told by Flaps, Tonguer and Maple Syrup.  Executive Lunch was announced & next week’s run from Richmond Hills Park, so the circle was closed & our song sung.  Golly brought out the ham & salad to go with the fresh rolls and bread for hash nosh, followed by short bread for dessert. Shocker was lucky he had a pineapple, Mango and a Dragon Fruit to take home.

Past nine o’clock Delicious called time for she was the only worker amongst us.

Another enjoyable night and our thanks to Golly & Raggedy.

Corgi & Daffodil

Run #2256

Date – 08/01/2024          
Run – 2256
Hare – Pensioner
Venue – John Breen Park
Hashers: 24

Some 23+ 1 x Moranbah hasher turned up at John Breen Park for Pensioners &  Mango run set from his favourite spot, where he handed out notes on where to go. Off we set down towards the servo, bad move, there is a Bowls Club on the way. Zerro was seen heading over towards it, just checking to see if his card had not expired, took them quite a while to let him know. The rest of the pack kept on trail until we came across a piss stop serving half Goosepond’s and half Pest Control in cups. Was not too bad as some went up for seconds.

We all got back to find half the pack already on the grog. Monkey called the Circle, all the formalities were done, circled closed and food was served, not all of it was consumed, so Pensioner will not have to lean over a hot stove to cook Mango dinner for a while. Good run, food and company, see you Monday ON THE SAND OF THE NORTHERN BEACHES 



Run #2255

Date – 01/01/2024
Run – 2255
Hare – Flaps
Venue – Unit 202, Carlyle Gardens, Mt Pleasant.
Hashers: 13

A small but dedicated band of 13 hashers turned up at Carlisle Gardens Retirement Village, at unit 202, AKA Flaps’ joint, in the heart of Mount Pleasant, to celebrate the arrival of yet another year. In The Old Folks Home the years seem to pass much quicker than elsewhere, which explains the frequent visits of the QATB, to cart off yet another resident to secret locations (which explains the frequent non-return of said residents.) However, I digress.

At the appointed time, Flaps ushered us out to the street, and gave instructions for the run/walk. Nearby residents cowered behind thick drapes, not at all certain of what was happening.

“No marks!” declared Flaps, “except for corners, which are decorated with arrows to guide you along.

Now, having some inside info, being an Old Folks resident myself, I had a fair idea of where in the 40 acres we was headin. Around we went, with many residents along the way demanding to know what we was up to. Mostly they were amused. I pointed out which street Mango & I lived in, and soon enough the trail led right past our place, which was guarded by Mango’s very vicious pussy. Undeterred, Mango led a gaggle of hashers around our unit for a sticky-beak. Back on the trail for 3 houses, we found ourselves at a piss-stop outside old hashers Crystal and Tacho. From there it was on home.

Flaps produced salami and cheese, until the circle was called. Given the proximity of yet more residents, the Monk toned down his other-wise booming voice to give a history lesson on something.
Down downs for the hare for setting the trail from a mobility scooter (seems to be an abundance of those things here) And for Mango, for showing off her pussy. Then she copped another for something. Raggedy Ann was called forward for something. U-Turn as well for something. (memory fades in the Old Folks Home.) On to jokes. Flaps had a small story, but U-Turn shone with not one but three jokes, all of which she stuffed up, and forgot the punch-line for all 3 (down down duly delivered.) Circle closed with a very quiet rendition of the hash song, and then it was time for Restaurateur Flaps to produce the fruits of his all-day labours…. Rice with sweet n sour pork, beef masala and chicken something…(I may be right, may be wrong). Anyway, all was devoured with glee, and Flaps outdid himself with triple desserts for everyone.
More drinks until, bellies bulging, we set off home.
All said, it was a top run and a culinary delight, easily achieving best nosh so far this year.
Flaps can possibly expect a visit from The Old Folks Home Noise Police, and I wouldn’t dare risk it next week, so it’s back to John Breen Park.

See ya there


Run #2254

Date – 25/12/2023
Run – 2254
Hare – Tonto
Venue – 23 St Bees Avenue, Bucasia
Hashers: 9

9 hashers gathered at Lassie and Tonto’s abode on a wet Monday, lucky for us the rain had passed and it was quite a pleasant evening. Matches, Zorro, Corgi, Daffodil, Lassie, Tonto, Nicka Licka, Flaps and Blo Jo waited patiently for instructions. Tonto issued them and it was then on on. The trail (?) meandered through the streets of Bucasia, the best part no hills sand or mud. There was a lack of marks as they had been washed away in the mornings deluge.

Everyone made it back safely. Nibbles were served, beers began to flow and the bs quickly started.

Zorro called the circle to order (ha ha) it was hash after all. It was a typical Zorro circle, everyone remained seated, I think he was called up for a down down but I am not sure as there was no song to be sung. Zorro asked if anyone had a joke but no-one was listening, only one charge, for Zorro who had trouble remembering the difference between Friday and Saturday.

Tonto began asking questions about the run, like what type of sailboat was on the run and something about the names of two dogs fucking, can’t remember the rest, Matches won by answering all the questions but couldn’t remember the names of the dogs. She received a prize of a chocolate bar. Then Nicka asked if anyone knew what house number where Zorro took a short cut, I think it was 69 but I could be wrong.

Zorro was feeling hungry and thirsty so ended the circle without the hash song.

Nosh came out, plenty of chicken, ham, potato salad and Lassie’s now famous coleslaw. Dessert came out, a fruit cake made by Lassie and custard made by Pauls, more beers consumed and it was then on home, a great night had by all.

Next week’s run will be at Flaps’s home in Carlyle Gardens Unit 202, please let me know if you will coming so we don’t frighten the neighbours.

Directions: come in the main entrance follow the road past the clubhouse and admin buildings over the bridge then first left and first right halfway down the street on the left.

On on flaps


Run #2253

Date – 18/12/2023
Run – 2253
Hare – Tarzan
Venue – 4 Evans Avenue, North Mackay.
Hashers: 23

Hi Hashers,

A great bunch of runners turned up dressed for our hashy Christmas party with pressy in hand. The run started one way or the other. Those who parked down the street far enough new the right direction. At no extra cost runners were joined by potential new hashers if they could just sort out their personal issues. On over the bridge to a fantastic piss stop and an additional hash activity around the Christmas tree which involved singing. Back over the bridge to the ON ON.  Lots of yummy nibbles were devoured before the circle. Tarzan was charged for a great run and for something else as Flaps had to do hash choir twice. Zorro was charged and forwarded it onto Pants.

Corgi was charged, Pants and Rats Arse were charged for returning runners with the the RA becoming confused as to where he came from and the only other one I can remember is Tonguer being charged for changing from cumming with a Prick to an Arse.

Maple Syrup achieved her 50 runs hat well done. Sorry can’t remember any more. Dinner was served up and the fun of secret Santa was excitedly started with everyone one wondering what they would end up with and who would pick the dick and balls present. Took a while but Matches raced in as soon as her number was called and like they say you can’t always judge a book by its cover but Matches was still happy with her present and also very happy the real Santa got her phone request and sent her a Barbie. The GM was not so lucky getting back the wool and needles he bought himself (karma) happy knitting Zorro. With some extra presents of photos from the away run for Delicious and Distillery and Matches nice pictures guys. With all the presents sorted dessert was served up and eagerly devoured, definitely the right weather for ice cream.

With everyone full of cheer the group slowly started heading home.

Merry Christmas everyone

ON ON  Lassie

Run #2252

Date – 11/12/2023
Run – 2252
Hare – Delicious
Venue – 117 Tropical Avenue, Andergrove
Hashers: 22

Delicious not only served up some rain but also a cyclone in the making.          22 Hashers turned up for this one but only a few saw out the full distance. Tarzan only went about 500 metres when Raggedy’s umbrella almost took him out. That’s it for me as the rain began to tumble down he cried rushing home to the shelter of the DOSA. Circle called. U-Turn was charged for misappropriating hash funds after she failed to renew her well-worn shoes. A few others were called & some jokes told. Entree of hash potatoes followed by traditional sausages on bread with a variety of sauces. Dessert was to die for. Tim Tams with high quality port. An enjoyable night was had by all.


See you all next week with your best festive gear, a $15 secret prescient & a good appetite. Will have a Xmas tree & a fire hopefully. Don’t forget to let Matches know what you can contribute for the feast. U- Turn is doing plum pudding with custard & ice cream. See ya all





Run #2251

Date – 04/12/2023
Run – 2251
Hare – Shocker
Venue – Run: Park Area, Sturt Cres, Settlers Rise.
Nosh: 4/23 Sunset Dr, Erakala
Hashers: 18.5

15 Hashers and young Landon on his scooter, headed off on the run just after 6pm, with Golly leading the way. Pussy Fucker arriving late, managed to find the way after running into Pensioner on his way back. 2 Hashers got lost driving to the Nosh Venue…….

Circle called and History lesson from the honourable Monk Smut: –

“Sati (or Suttee), an obsolete Hindu practice of widows burning themselves alive—willing or unwilling—on the funeral pyres of their husbands.” WTF……. Who the hell would want to be married in India.

Run was rated as “Shit Hot” by front runner Lassie, although it was hot, it did include hills, mud and a piss stop. Best run she had done in years (except for the green ants & stinky mud) claiming it was exactly what a hash run should be with lots of “Blood, Sweat & Tears” no wait, was that “Mud, Sweat & Beers!”

Tarzan concurred it was a good run and gave it the thumbs up.

Charges: –

Matches & Zorro – Leaving trail less than 20 metres from the piss stop.

Delicious – MIA at a run making Flaps wear himself out looking for her, presuming she had been eaten by a shark.

Tonguer – Suggesting that Flaps was not wearing a Hash Shirt.

(Give us a kiss and I will tell you a secret) – I don’t know why I wrote this down?

Prick – For breaking his directors chair with just a little fart.                        

Jokes & Stories: –

Flaps – Something about surgeons operating with only Shit & Brains to make the current PM of Australia.

Shocker told 2 Jokes, but they were very close to being Dad Jokes.

Golly – Big Boots = Big Carriage, end result given $200 to buy shoes that fit.

Maple Syrup – Her Mother farting in Church and hoping no-one heard. Her Father saying, she needed to buy new batteries for her hearing aid.

Flaps – A Nun in Vietnam hiding a man under her skirt from the draft. The Nun then asked if he could see the colour of his balls, as he was hiding as well.

Birthdays: – Corgi received chocolates for this Sunday the 10th December.

Pussy Fucker wanted to know where his chockies were from the 19th November, and who has his “Dirty Old Man Award”? Zorro said he would bring it along next week.

Reminder about the Christmas Run on the 18th December at Tarzan & U-Turn’s.

Don’t forget your $15.00 Secret Santa Present, not a cent over or under.

Next week’s run at 117 Tropical Avenue, Andergrove.

Christmas Day Run is Lassie on Monday 25.12.2023 & New Years Day Run is Flaps on Monday 01.01.2024. Please let them know if you will be attending.

Executive Lunch – Boomerang Hotel

Christmas in July at Halliday Bay Resort – 19-20th July 2024, a reminder to book your accommodation if you are attending this event, as it will be busy time of year.

No further rude remarks, song sung and circle close- ed.

Hash Nosh: –

Nibbles of Dips and Bickies are still in Shocker’s fridge.

Main – Spaghetti Bolognaise with heaps of pasta, cheese, and bread & butter.

Desert – Tim Tams as they were half price.

On On





Run #2250

Date – 27 Nov 2023
Run – 2250
Hare – Tonguer
Venue – 12 Hill End Road, Glenella
Hashers: 21 

On a sticky afternoon 20 plus hashers gathered at Tounger’s Place for the nights run. There were promises of no hills and lots of mud at the Pre-Run briefing. The hashers headed off up the first hill, Tounger’s drive way. Zorro was out front at the trail was leading straight to Maggies’ Tavern. To his disappointment the trail did a U-turn moving towards the Underpass. The Trail was well marked and some more big hills and No Mud!! The Circle was called and Tounger got his “Hare Charge” with a Shit Hot vote. Other Chargers were, Lassie – then Tonto as well, as they are in training for their big overseas trip. Lassie had powered off down every false trail.  BobDown had a charge for returning runner, Shocker had a charge for having a sympathy sip every time someone else got charged. Corgi and Daffodil had a charge for standing up Hash last week for a better offer.  Plenty of cracking Jokes then the Song was sung and Circle ended. Hash Nosh was gourmet pizza smashed out of the hot pizza oven. Tounger had promised that the rain was going to stay away until 9pm, but arrived just as the Circle was being called.  Two flash desserts and a great night overall. On- On 



