Run #2262

Date – 19/02/2024
Run – 2262
Hare – Smut
Venue – 57 Bradman Drive, Glenella
Hashers: 19

19 eagers hashers turned up at Smut’s abode on a warm and cloudy night. The Hare called us out front to give directions adding there was a piss-stop. The pack headed off to find the promised piss-stop. Soon they came across a police siege and after having a captain cook they scurried along, following the trail to a piss-stop and then on home.

The bullshite muttering started amongst them until the Monk called the circle. There was the ‘usual’ history lesson, charges, some jokes and stories were told. No news from the GM or On Sec. The song was sung and the circle closed.

Nosh was served and very tasty it was – the usual Tim Tams for desserts. Some more piss was drunk and shite talked, until it was time to head home. Thanks for your hospitality Smut!

See you next week at the Mackay Bowls Club in the back car park on Nebo Road.

On-On Screw!


