Run #2263

Date – 26/02/2024
Run – 2263
Hare – Screw
Venue – Mackay Bowls Club
Hashers: 18

Let’s start by congratulating Zorro on approving a pub run, -it’s he forgot to send it to hash cash but all went well, we all bought draft beer for free.

I’d estimate that there were probably between 18-20 hashers there, as there was confusion on my part being that we visited HotRocks and Driptray for a piss stop. Also, we had a guest of honour, Baagoose, he appeared quite well although he reminded me of Joe Biden at times.

Circle opened by Smut who gave us his usual history lesson about bygone years, once again we were all enthralled by past events and look forward to next weeks thrilling episode of a bygone era.

Fines. Returning runners: Prick & Baagoose.

There were a few others but inconsequential in the scheme of things. We then partook in the culinary delights as served a few thousand runs prior. A bonus was the gluten free Tim Tams for the fussy tummies of a few of us.

There were a few jokes, and usual banter then I got tired and went home.

On On



**Every time a little boy went to a playmate’s house, he found the grandmother deeply engrossed in her bible. Finally, his curiosity got the better of him.
“Why do you suppose your grandmother reads the bible so much?” He asked.
I’m not sure”, said his friend, “But I think she’s cramming for her finals”.

**Rushing up to a large airline’s counter, a man gasped, “Miss, please help me. I have to get to Chicago in the worst way!” The clerk calmly pointed to the left and said, “Sir, that would be the airline next to us.”

**“Nothing looks good to me anymore,” wailed a customer modelling an outfit in front of the department store’s mirror. “Nonsense, ma’am,” soothed the salesclerk. “That dress says it all.” “That’s the problem,” the woman replied “I need a dress that keeps its mouth shut.”

**Restaurant Patron: “Waiter, I’d like a bottle of wine:
Waiter: “What year, sir?”
Patron: “Well, I’d like it right now”




