Run #2269

Date – 08/04/2024
Run -2269
Hare – Golly
Venue – 4 Trochus Court, Shoal Point
Hashers: 23

After a couple of weeks of lower than average attendance rates, the strong turnout of 23 regular, visiting and returning runners were greeted in the driveway by an enthusiastic Raggedy-Anne, who has been missing in action for a period due to some robust kitchen-based antics that Golly and Raggedy are not keen to discuss publicly.

Golly mustered the gathered throng in the cul-de-sac and when the banter had finally died down, proceeded to tell a bunch of lies – particularly the one about a second piss-stop.

No sooner had the rambling mass set off, there was confusion and this set the theme for the entire run. A piss-stop was found at the public park before a short walk back to base.

Pre-dinner drinks and hors d’oeuvres were served before the Monk call the circle to order. Following a lame history trip, a number of charges were laid, of which a few were levelled at returning runner, Blo Jo.

Visiting runners, Rough Red and Takeover along with returning runners Lassie, Tonto, Raggedy Anne plus Blo Jo were recognised.

Tarboy got rather excited when Lagos was mentioned during the history trip and shared with us an absolutely compelling Inter-Hash story – well it was compelling for Tarboy.

Flaps, as he typically does, managed to secure some genuine belly-laughs via his comic repertoire.

With circle closed, Golly swung into catering action with military style precision. Raggedy, who is typically the primary provedore is currently banned from the kitchen duties since she’s taken to free-style jumping off the benches.

With a solid fill of chicken and salad rolls, sweet biscuits washed down by a beverage of choice, weary old campaigners waddled off home to digest the food and the experience.



