Run #2270

Date – 15/04/2024
Run -2270
Hare – Smut
Venue – 57 Bradman Drive, Glenella
Hashers: 22

A cloudy day cleared to sunshine getting that washing dried but a cloud threatening sky for the start of the run made us grab our umbrellas. Close to 6, Smut called everyone out the front and we were on the trail of blue arrows to find the piss stop. We followed the trail back out to Davey Street. Crossing over the road was a bit daring we thought but we managed to get the group back on track to find Hillside Terrace and then on down to find Smut waiting with his orange brew less the red wine. It was a healthy concoction Smut said. Straight forward to find home but I didn’t see the arrow that turned right into Farmer Street. On to Loudon Street and right into Pioneer brought us back to the foot path homeward bound. At Schapers Road we caught up with Zorro. The pack came home via the start arrows where the trail came in around Lilee Street. All back and beers in hand Smut called for the circle and gave us our history lesson on the Titanic. He charged himself for his well-marked 4k run and called for charges and jokes. Shocker had several cups of piss stop brew ready. Pensioner was charged for his dummy spit at Executive lunch- not happy no prawns! Flaps and Insex had a joke to tell and Prick had a returning runner sip.

Hash nosh was served, Chicken and Mushroom and a Beef and Chick Pea casserole with gluggy rice. The dishes were wiped clean, it was so tasty. Tim Tams for dessert. A good night was had by all and we scarred away the rain. Thanks to Smut and Rita    

On on

Daffodil & Corgi

Next week’s run,

Illawong Beach park – Beach Volley Ball side – Petrie Street
