Run #2271

Date – 22/04/2024
Run – 2271
Hare – Daffodil & Corgi
Venue –  Illawong Beach Park, Petrie Street, South Mackay

Hashers: 12+

Probably the worst weather of the year, and there we were open to the vile elements at Far Beach. Rain. 30 knots of breeze. Cold. 

About 12 ardent runners took off from the shelter and wound their way up through the remnants of the Boom and Bust Caravan Park, through the parklands to Ocean International and the Quota Park. There was a terrific piss stop, then on on through the back streets and walkways of South and East Mackay. Another piss stop in Kilgour Street then back to Beverly Street and Far Beach. An exhausting trip of 6.8 km in inexecrable conditions. 

This was followed by a few beers, nibbles, a circle [with history lesson] a few down downs and then a great feed.  Desert was Tim Tams, which didn’t last very long.

Then it was on home to the warm bed and the loving arms.

On On .  Prick. 

Next week’s run :  Prick.  1 Kenzey Street. North Mackay.  
