Run #2316

Date – 24/02/2025
Run – 2316
Hare – Golly and Raggedy Ann
Venue – 4 Trochus Court, Slade Point
Hashers: 20


20 Hashers arrived at Golly and Raggedy Ann’s place to hear the tale of the short sharp shower that dropped 5ml of rain at Shoal Point and washed away the hours of work done by Golly setting the run.

Eventually the rag tag crew set off for a short sharp run around Shoal Point with one long run up the hill and then swiftly back for piss stop at 4 Trochus. Returning runner/walker, Flaps set off with his wheelie walker at a cracking speed only to be done in by the rough roads and steep inclines. Keep up the great work Flaps. Insex made a surprise return after her stay in that big place on Bridge Road where lots of wonderful People look after you.

Flaps left everyone flabbergasted when after refusing a lovely hot tasty party pie, he got one for himself before they were all devoured. Cheese and crackers were also devoured before the circle was called. History lesson on the SS Gothenberg lost in cyclone off Bowen on this day in 1875, delivered by Smut with Shocker chiming in on the details.

Lots of Down Downs including ones for overachievers getting spectactular items for numbers of runs achieved (Shocker, Matches and Termite). Lots of jokes and true stories entertained us and then it was time for lots of yummy food. Potatoes with garlic butter, pasta and meatballs and tasty little sausages followed up by everyone’s favourites – Favourites Chocolates so wonderfully wrapped little morsels with all checking out their favourites.

 Thanks Golly and Raggedy for a great night.

 On, On,

Mrs Appeel
