Run Date: 17th February 2020
Run No #2060
Hare: Wombat
Venue: 8 Hokins Court Glenella
Hashers: 20ish
As we gathered waiting with gusto to start the run of runs with hare Wombat, many commented about the readiness of the fire pit. Just what we need, a bit of heat, said some sarcastic nameless Hasher. She’ll be right, we will use it to get rid of the mozzies, said a professor hasher. We made a perfect circle as we set up our chairs and eagerly awaited instructions. The group grew and before long at precisely 18:03hrs we were called to attention. Geriatric Zorro was a late comer most likely because his Alzheimer’s took him to a run of yesteryear. As we gathered in the front at the driveway, everyone took out their notepads and began writing the orders for the run.
The trail was hot, long, hot and fun. The trail was also rather hot. We meandered like old people at the local crossing at 18:08 with drivers not quite sure if they should brake, slow or accelerate. Our lives were in our hands and although scared some had the courage to yell at the naughty cars. We navigated the crossing by 18:12 and with renewed confidence we fearlessly followed Wombat who was worried that the trail was washed away, led the pace. Under pressure Wombat conceded to the author she could not recall if she had set the trail. We both giggled for a few seconds before we forgot what we were laughing about. The highway crossing scared the crap out of me, but someone kindly pointed out the traffic went past on an overhead crossing. Appeased with that answer and forgetting what I was panicking about I looked at my notepad and wondered what the f#ck do I have a notepad for? As we walked and forgot we were on a trail, we lost the main group who went in search of some arrows.
Back home, we scoffed some beers, chatted about the things we talked about last week, because we can’t remember things anymore. Except for Golly, he had a story about Fords winning the final battle over Holden’s.
The Circle was called and the monk gave the hare a drink, the jokes were excellent even though some had to be explained. Charges were dished out and more jokes were told.
The song was sung and dinner was served.
Great food Wombat but none of us can recall what it was.
Good night in all for those of us that can remember. Oh and by the way, please don’t forget to fill out the CWA Membership Form for those who did not do it last night. See attached. CWA Hash Membership Form
On On
Half a Boat