Run No #2145

Run Date: 29/11/2020
Run No #2145
Hare: McFanny’s Wee Hoose 
Venue: 13 Grasstrail Street Andergrove 
Hashers: 25

Once again the intrepid Hashers assembled on a Monday night, with not as much enthusiasm as normal, after last week’s leaking roof  experience and the deluge over the weekend firmly in their minds. But big surprise McFanny’s pocket handkerchief of a back yard was covered with gazebos, good one McFanny. Those who were worried about frizzy hair are eternally grateful.

No surprise that there was no trail to follow so out came the little white envelopes with instructions to find our way around. I did notice that there was some difficulty handing them out because nobody wanted the last one in case it started to rain and they couldn’t bugger off on a short cut, but Mcfanny fixed that by assuming her stern face  and stating “you Vill take it”

Cannot tell U much about the trail because I took a shortcut but I do know that the rain held off and there was a piss stop & there wasn’t any grumpy faces on those that did the whole thing

Anyway everyone returned back safely and got stuck into the hot chips and cold beverages until the Monk got sick of seeing people enjoying themselves and called the circle to tell us about some old buggers who are now dead and did a lot of stupid things with their lives. With that out of the way, we then turned on ourselves starting with the hare for setting a shitty run, Tounger for getting caught opening the instructions before we even started, Flaps for bringing a turkey into the circle, Top notch for wetting the pin number and not being able to read it and the 4 mammary mob for loudly conducting their  own  circle in the corner. It was also noted that some of the mammary mob were particularly taken with the turkey because the spent a lot of time making it scream Gobble Gobble Gobble  over and over again. Sigmund has the answer for this type of behaviour I believe. 

Finally the circle concluded with the Hash song and we all waited for McFannies  delicious meal to be served. And it was, Soup followed with Han, and Chicken and Salad rolls with a good selection of sauces and then topped with a large Carrot cake.

 Then as is traditional in Mackay after a period of time to digest the food and have another drink the Lemmings departed and within a short period it was all over

It was a good night good food good company and it didn’t bloody rain

on  on

Nicka  (for Piccolo)

Ps  it has been suggested that I was home early because I didn’t have to wait for Piccolo to finish eating     ‘Surely not’          





