Run Report 1782

Run Date: 22nd December 2014
Hare: Pensioner
Venue: 12 Douglas Crescent Rural View
Hashers: 21

All gathered out the back on a fine evening at Pensioners Penthouse in Rural View.

Pensioner got out his clipboard folder with the where to’s & where-not to’s, how & how-not to’s – all very official. I’m not sure that anyone took any notice but he tried.

The walk/run well marked around the streets and walking paths of Rural View admiring the Christmas lights along the way. Piss stop with Pensioner’s special brew. Very nice brew too!

Gathering back for a few coldes and nibbles prior to circle, spilling out onto the grassed area in the back yard. Plenty of room to sit and enjoy everyone’s company and the cool evening breeze.

Circle called and the jokes flowed. Visiting Hashers from Townsville BJ (Blow Job) and Ram Rooter who were making their way over to WA for Aussia Nash Hash. This was the start of their trip, first stop. Down Down’s for returning runners Boom ‘n Bust and Smut. Fine for Screw for pinching the Hash Mugs. Fine for Drip Tray for leaving her bottle of Port out at the Christmas Party after being warned by several Hashers that it would be taken. Thankfully returned to DT. Cummalott fined BJ for having the best set of legs, which ended up in a fine for Cummalott as well for showing more than her legs at the Away Run in an awkward moment apparently, which Snot had stored in his memory bank and shared.

Hash Nosh was served which Nicka Licka had used his culinary skills to produce a very tasty chicken curry as Hash being the resourceful Club that it is, used the left-over Chicken from the Christmas party. Christmas Cakes also provided a Christmas dessert with yummy custary.

Then for something special, we took our seats for a slide show of the Christmas Party & the ‘Away Run’ directed and produced by non other than our own Flaps which provided the entertainment for the night.

After a bit more ‘talking shit’ we then packed up our bits & pieces and pissed off. Another sterling night at Hash.

On On


