Run Report 1783

Run Date: 29th December 2014
Hare: McFanny
Venue: 13 Grasstrail Street, Andergrove
Hashers: around 16

It was a very hot afternoon when 16 odd hashers, or  should I say VERY ODD people, turned up for McFanny’s run. The run through the back blocks of McFannyland was short but well marked in chalk N flour N toilet paper. The afternoon prelube was well attended, and thanks to Snot & McFanny, there was much nibblies to be had. The circle was called after more nibblies, and the usual sick jokes and charges were had.

After the circle closed, more glorious food came out from McFanny’s kitchen, and didn’t seem to stop coming all evening, it was fantastic.

At the end of the evening, everyone was hugged and backslapped for a Happy New Year, and that was that.

ON ON from Viagra. See ya all next Monday, Hooroy
