Run Report 1787

Run Date: 26th January 2015 
Hare: Wee Wee & Champion
Venue: 60 Wattle Street Andergrove 
Hashers: 10

A very motley crew tuned up at Wattle St to be greeted by the not so pretty sight of Wee Wee prancing around in the spar scoffing red claw. I suppose we should be thankful, because I am reliable informed that earlier he was apparently naked.  Thank god most of us missed that.

At approx 6.10 a rather lack luster  group ambled back up the driveway to wander around Apsley way, back up  No name street in Glenwood Park estate, past Nicka’s old place then back down the driveway to the piss truck. Me thinks there was some serious short cutting done.

Chairs were assembled in a rough circle where we nibbled on fruit and nuts (by this stage the red claw were long gone) and a very nice cob. Eventually the circle was called and the hare given a down down,  jokes were told, Delicious tried to charge Monk and Zorro for no hash attire but the Monk had a hash shirt and Zorro had his Hash jocks on. Delicious drank alone.

As a show of defiance we all remained seated in the circle because we felt like it any way, and  there was only one hasher from the Dark side, again,  Brownie points to Baagoose. No bloody  Brownie points to wee wee though, because to the cry’s  of, don’t be a fucking idiot, it’s too bloody hot, we don’t want one, from all the other hashers, mr stubborn lit his bloody great fire anyway. This raised the Temp from around 26 c to about 37 c. Like we needed that like a hole in the head. I think I heard some sucking up from Zorro who still has a shit load of timber to get rid of. Also Radish should be considered for over achieving  for his sitting closest to the fire for so long.

Nosh of steak, sausages, onions, potato bake and salad was consumed with gusto, and more amber fluids to cool off, until we realised that we had cool air conditioned cars so we all pissed off.

On On

