Run Date: 27.07.2015
Run No: #1813
Hare: Flaps
Venue: 17 Jarrah Street, Beaconsfield
Hashers: 27
Hi Hashers
Run report for run 1813 at the house of flaps
We gathered at beautiful downtown Jarrah Street,the usual gaggle, standing around swapping fibs in nervous anticipation of 6pm, which came and went as usual without much ado.
We sauntered off up the hill(who would have guessed??)around the picturesque streets and houses of Andergrove,avoiding the odd car and dogshit. Some mistook paint on the road as marks and finished up going in the wrong(much shorter)direction to accidentally get back to the esky early.
Host Flaps,showed his prowess in the kitchen by putting in a very strong performance for nosh of the year. The monk convened the circle and after telling a couple of roughies asked if anyone had a joke, to be met with blank stares.LESSON1 re hashers; Willing HaHahashers get all the work.There were the usual downdowns for the usual people.
The lucky lucky Streaker won the 3 bottles of red raffled by Golly. Then we went home.
TGIF drinks- Taylors Hotel.
Next weeks run 1814: Radish, 44 Jarrah Street Beaconsfield (150 mtrs east of this one).
CYa There.