Run #2316

Date – 24/02/2025
Run – 2316
Hare – Golly and Raggedy Ann
Venue – 4 Trochus Court, Slade Point
Hashers: 20


20 Hashers arrived at Golly and Raggedy Ann’s place to hear the tale of the short sharp shower that dropped 5ml of rain at Shoal Point and washed away the hours of work done by Golly setting the run.

Eventually the rag tag crew set off for a short sharp run around Shoal Point with one long run up the hill and then swiftly back for piss stop at 4 Trochus. Returning runner/walker, Flaps set off with his wheelie walker at a cracking speed only to be done in by the rough roads and steep inclines. Keep up the great work Flaps. Insex made a surprise return after her stay in that big place on Bridge Road where lots of wonderful People look after you.

Flaps left everyone flabbergasted when after refusing a lovely hot tasty party pie, he got one for himself before they were all devoured. Cheese and crackers were also devoured before the circle was called. History lesson on the SS Gothenberg lost in cyclone off Bowen on this day in 1875, delivered by Smut with Shocker chiming in on the details.

Lots of Down Downs including ones for overachievers getting spectactular items for numbers of runs achieved (Shocker, Matches and Termite). Lots of jokes and true stories entertained us and then it was time for lots of yummy food. Potatoes with garlic butter, pasta and meatballs and tasty little sausages followed up by everyone’s favourites – Favourites Chocolates so wonderfully wrapped little morsels with all checking out their favourites.

 Thanks Golly and Raggedy for a great night.

 On, On,

Mrs Appeel

Run #2315

Date – 17/02/2025
Run – 2315
Hare – Snot & Madam Curie
Venue – 19 Tern St, Slade Point
Hashers: 21

21 Hashers arrived at Snot and Insex home, to be greeted by a swarm of mozzies.  Insex had the night off, so was up to Snot and Madame Curie, to take control, off we all went, great run, around the streets of Slade Point, extra long run for the runners, well marked, also had two piss stops, Nice Brew, ON Home to another swarm of Mozzies.

 Nibbles of yummy hot potatoes.  Circle called, History lesson kept us entertained, Down Downs for returning runners, also Virgin Runner, Donna, who we met at the last Piss Stop, so she followed us on home, few Jokes were told, Hash Song, Circle Closed, 

 Hash Nosh served, Pasta dishes, followed by Tim Tams, with Chocolate Dessert, very nice, Thank you, Snot and Madame Curie, for a great night, 


Raggedy Ann

Run #2314

Date – 10/02/2025
Run – 2314
Hare – Matches
Venue – 35 Graves St, North Mackay
Hashers: 23

Exactly 23 Hashers presented themselves at 6.00pm anticipating a wet run. The runners were not disappointed when it didn’t rain.  Having said that, around six runners only went to the first corner and returned to the grog where they joined Snot and Flaps. These two gallant hashers with guarding the hash Esky.

It wasn’t long before the rest of the peloton returned to the Esky to let the festivities commence. Matches put together her usual yummy salmon dip and another one with fruit chutney in it. As well, for the skinny people there were carrot sticks and other healthy stuff in abundance, but I didn’t even really look at that.

Smut eventually called the circle up. We prepared ourselves for the normal history lesson.  However, much to our disappointment this was not to be the case.  Instead, Tarzan gave his take on “I’m getting a window seat on the plane only to find out that the manufacturers had neglected to put a window next to that seat”.

The Fine section included two broken down worn out old runners for not wearing running shoes to the event and wearing thongs instead. We had a virgin runner Gavin, returning runner Rarebit and a few more fines I can’t really remember.  Jokes were told Hash song sung and circle closed.

For nosh we had fresh buns and bread, silverside and plenty of condiments followed by a dessert of trifle and tim tams. A special thankyou here to Matches for catering to those amongst us with dietary requirements by making a special gluten free dessert for Insex.


Run #2313

Date – 03/02/2025
Run – 2313
Hare – Shocker
Venue – Run at Settlers Rise & Circle, Nosh at Sunset Drive Erakala
Hashers: 20

 Hashers were ready and eager for Shocker’s run around the hills of Settlers Rise, and the more energetic ones ventured out to check out the new homes going ahead.

Jump in the car, off to Sunset Drive for the Circle, History Lesson on Windmills and Nosh. Returning runner Remy joined us, and virgin runner Marine. Downs Downs for these two. Others for Snot, Juice and Pensioner? Who knows.

Shocker served up a generous pot of Butter Chicken, with plenty of rice. Enjoyed by all, followed by a variety of Tim Tams and Lamingtons. The Dirty Old Man Award, was brought out for a look, and check of names on the reverse…will an Award, similar be invented for the Harriettes? Something for the committee to ponder.

On On


Run #2312

Date: 27/01/2025
Run: 2312
Hares: Committee
Location: The Whale Bones near Forgon Bridge
Hashers: ???

This being a committee run it was naturally perfect. 

There were piss stops and false trails aplenty but you’d be surprized how many pubs don’t open on public holidays due to penalty wages.

Didn’t stop us though.  We found the Palace closed but the Met welcomed the hot thirsty peloton of hashers with open arms and jugs full of beer.

Off to the Gecko but another false trail, on on to Taylors where we were flat-out finding a barmaid let alone jugs of beer. Eventually good things come to those who wait. Zorro almost died of thirst so much so that he drank a xxxx thinking it was Black fish.

Off we went to Maguires….false trail again. Then on home was called as the Pizzas were almost ready. I must mention here that Lassie took us down a darkened alley to marvel at the street art display. Nice!

Good old Flaps was happily guarding the Hash Piss whilst Snot and Zorro left for Dominos.

After a short circle welcoming back Juice and Termite, a few jokes, a few fines and then into the food. Every type of pizza Dominos make plus garlic bread and all washed down with cold beer. And all free, who could want for more.

On On


 Next week we will be entertained at Shocker’s abode, Run to start at the park in Settlers Rise and then on to 23 Sunset Drive Erakala.

Run #2311

Date: 20/01/2025
Run: 2311
Hares: Prick
Location: The park behind Goosies Bowlo
Hashers: 22

Group of eager hash runners gathered at the Goose ponds on a humid steamy Monday evening. The mob headed off in two directions but at the start was a check. A portion of the  runners  wander 50m into the Goosies bowls club and got on the beer. The rest of us continue around the pond and head up High street to the Lookout. Some of the short cutting bastards turned back at the site of the huge incline and went back and joined the others at the bowlsie. No piss stop at the top in the look out that the Prick had promised. On down the hill on the other side and on home. Circle was called. Charges for the hare Prick, A few for Pensioner, Lassie, Raggedy and Picalo for turning back to the pub. Madam Curie and Zorro were also charged. Hash nosh was corn meat sandwiches with Pricks home made relish and chutney. Great run and nosh.

On-On Shocker. 

Next week’s run is a Committee Run.  Meet at the whale bones near Red Dog Brewery next to the Forgan Bridge. 

Run #2310

Date: 13/01/2025
Run: 2310
Hares: Knothead
Location: 10 The Barons Drive, Andergrove
Hashers: 24

Another stinking hot night in downtown Andergloom saw a bunch of sweaty hashers facing another run in familiar territory.

As usual the marks were on either the left or right sides of the roads. There were the usual false trails etc which fooled all except Snot Zorro and Insex.  No hills in Andergrove was a relief as was a welcome wet Piss stop. After that i found the shortest root 

Back home we attacked the esky with much gusto. Eventually Smut called the circle, gave the hare a down down for what was really a decent run. Then came the history lesson for which, at the moment, the subject escapes me.

Knothead was fined for carrying a mower into his house to mow the shagpile carpet which he tried to reverse until it was pointed out he used girly gloves to carry the mower.

Not a lot of other fines or jokes of merit so the song was sung and circle closed.

Nosh consisted of hotdogs with heaps of sauces, buns, onions, cheese plenty to spare so 2 young knottys came out to help cleanup.

 It was about then the air-conditioned comfort of home beckoned 

 On On

 Aprentice Prick 

 Next Monday run 2311 will be at the Goosies park behind the North Mackay Bowlo set by Prick (hope you like party pies?)

Run #2309

Date: 06/01/2025
Run: 2309
Hares: Lassie & Tonto
Location: Botanical Gardens and then on to 5/8 Haig St, East Mackay
Hashers: 2?


Somewhere between 20 and 30 runners took up this challenge set on the Darkside of town at the Botanical Gardens. We were thrilled that there were to be no hills.  At precisely 6pm Tonto called us to order stating the arrows were on the left side or right side or in fact anywhere on the trail. 2 runs were set on for the runners and one for walkers. The division was at the piss stop (best one this year).

Now off we go into the setting sun. Not long before we are going downhill (surprise surprise, what goes down must come up) and across a bridge. There was now fear in the ranks as the bridge back will be way off in the distance. But the thought of the grog stop and other fitness fanatics clad in lycra encountered along the way was encouraging.

After a k or two there was LASSIE with the holy fluid, here was the point the runners embarked on their journey to fuk knows where as I followed the walkers trail. Back along the path, marvelling at the variety of fauna and flora and aforementioned lycra goddesses.  Here we come to the other side of the downhill, steps up. 4 sets of them, now I didn’t count em but a returning hasher estimated the number at between 24 and 64. At the summit there was my car …… safe at last.


Back at Haig Street we assembled in the carpark of Lassies unit and attacked the beer.  Circle called!  No 5-minute warning, right into it.

Our monk gave us a history lesson regarding Cummins diesel engines. Golly having worked on engines all his life feigned interest while the rest of us got more beers.  Hares charged even though it was without question the best run for the year.  A few charges – 2 hashers for a brief romance on the trail, another for having his music at hash. There was more but i was getting another drink and having a bit of a chat with Maple Syrup.  Down downs for returning runners


Nek minute the song was sung and we were into the nosh. The nosh was delivered in an

early session and a late session due the fact the microwave shit itself!  We sat around discussing the merits of our own importance until someone realized that going home was more interesting.


On On

Snot (aka Knothead's scribe)

 Next weeks Run 2310 will be at 10 The Barons Drive, Andergrove. Hare KNOTHEAD

Date: 30/12/2024
Run: 2308
Hares: Pensioner & Mango
Location: John Breen Park, North Mackay
Hashers: 15

It was the last run of 2024 which a group of hashers arrived at John Breen Park all eager to endure the run set by Pensioner and Mango.  All but one started the event with a few then going left and the rest continued right towards the piss stop  which wasn’t far away.  After a very nice drop and the discovery of a unknown College we continued left down around left again and another left and one more left, at last a right
and heading back towards the ON ON.

Back to the mozzies and bugs, crackers and dips and of course the drinks.
Circle was called with a thumbs up for run and piss stop Pensioner was charged with Mango taking no responsibility.  Charges were given for some unknown person (Heather) being mentioned.  Can’t remember other charges and one joke we don’t want to remember.   No birthdays or accomplishments so song was sung and yummy mince with potato bake was devoured. More drinks and gossip or shit was spoken until the insect repellent wore off and we took off.

ON ON Lassie

Next week car park near play ground at Botanical Gardens then ON ON back at
Unit 5/8 Hague Street, East Mackay

Run #2307

Date: 23/12/2024
Run: 2307
Hares: Smut
Location: 20 Royal Boulevard, Glenella
Hashers: 17
Hash Trash 2307

At the end of a smouldering day following 3 tons of rain a passle of hashers gathered at the home of The Monk, Smut. We sat around waiting for everyone to turn up, before realising 15 was all we’d get so close to Christmas…. When we were suddenly inundated with Adelaidians, well, 2 of em anyway, in the form of Gravel Rash and Badger.

Finally, the Monk herded us out to the front of the Royal abode (in Royal Boulevard, get it?) and mumbled something about chalk and other stuff. We was just about to waddle off, when the Crow Eaters took off running. WTF….. we don’t run, merely stroll. And stroll we did, all around the backblocks of Glenella. The mob seemed to get split into several different directions, but eventually everyone made it back home.

Beers and chat, and an in-depth review of how Adelaide Hash does stuff (twice a week!) and The Monk called the circle to order before plunging into yet another history lesson. Apparently something happened in 1853. The monk then accepted his down down for also being hare. Several other charges resulted in several other down downs, but I can’t recall them all…. Oh yeah, Mango got one for wearing new sandals. The Adelaidians got their just desserts for being visitors, followed by another for being frontrunning overachievers who actually ran! It was then revealed that Badger was part of the committee that cancelled Adelaide Nash Hash 3 times because of some little virus….. for that she received a down down for being an underachiever.  And justly so. Some more forgettable charges, followed by a complete lack of jokes, and the circle shut.

The Monk then proceeded to reveal the results of a morning in the kitchen and produced 3 (or was it 4) pots of pasta, fried rice, chicken, curry… all very yum yum, then, not to be outdone, Flaps dived into his truck and emerged with a dazzling variety of desserts.  More beers and general chitchat, and it was time to wander off home, some of us taking the opportunity to check out the local Christmas lights.

Next week it’s back to our old fav John Breen Park in North Mackay.


Also a photo of one of our kindy kids enjoying his lunch at his desk!
