Run #2209

Date – 20/02/2023
Run – #2209
Hare – Matches
Venue – 35 Graves Street, Behind that UNUSUAL green fence
Hashers: 16

Hi All,

A very bleak looking evening, but 15 or 16  hardy Hashers turned up to face the elements to find Matches with a hand full of chalk pretending she was waiting for the rain to piss off so she could set the run. But we noticed the half-finished can of refreshments on the table in front of her.

After a bit of confusion, and  the hare taking a final quick swig of her can, she finally headed out the back gate calling ‘follow me ‘ so with an assortment of umbrellas clutched in hands we did, in a very sedate meander around the block back to the On On. The only bit of excitement to report was the umbrellas that turned themselves  inside out and the comments of the ladies who vented their frustration at this occurrence   WHOW !  With the lap of the block completed it was in through the front gate where Zorro’s gate building and painting was noted and commented on repeatedly throughout the evening.

The group then settled down to refreshments and nibbles only to be rudely interrupted by a very stern voice ordering us to form a circle. Looking in the direction of said stern voice it was deduced that Flaps was the perpetrator because for some reason he was waving or wavering his walking stick in the air. So out of respect ?? for the old fellow we did,  what followed was a down down for Matches (hare), Zorro (claiming to have a friend), Delicious  (returning), maybe some more and some blond jokes, other bits and pieces then the Hash song, Circle  Close

The nosh arrived and we all tucked in.   QUESTION   what does Zorro do  ??   He can’t “paint”  “hang gates” or carve ham, but to be fair he did find the tomatoes eventuality now he has to do something with the leftover rolls hope he has a big freezer.

The rain managed to stay away, so we had a few more drinks and gossip till the magic hour and then everyone pissed off.   Another good night.   

See you all next week 


Run #2208

Date – 13/02/2023
Run – 2208
Hare – Flaps
Venue – 206 Phillip Street, Carlyle Gardens, Front Entrance
Hashers: 20

What an epic run. Set brilliantly, no-one went off trail. (Well maybe a few). The PCYC seemed the short cut of choice.

The run commenced just outside Carlyle Gardens, the hare handed out detailed lists to the fast and the not so fast runners of all the places of interest. The trail went up Norris Road, into Raymond Croker Drive into Annie Wood Ave then along the path through Annie Wood Park to the sweet sounds of the local fauna (namely mosquitoes) on to Andrew Milne Drive on to Charles Hodge Ave. Up to Bona Vista Drive for a leisurely walk up the small rise to James Croker Drive then back to Norris Road and on home.

Everyone arrived back fully refreshed and looking for a cold beverage.

Lights were set up thanks to Screw.

The circle was called and the hare was given his down down for setting one of best ever runs in recorded in the annals of hashing history.

Zorro received a down down (I think it was the first he has ever received on a Monday night of the 13th of February, Golly and Flaps were lucky enough to also receive down downs.

Jokes came, with Tonguer, Pensioner and Zorro told a couple to get in to the mood for a great night ahead.

It was very pleasant sitting out in the countryside, gentle cooling breeze blowing, no mossies. The neighbours must have wondered what was going on, so many people still up at 7pm.

The circle was closed and everyone then proceeded to enjoy a different version of curried sausages. Seemed to go down well.

The crowd slowly made their way home fully replete of alcohol and food.

 See you at next week’s run at 35 Graves Street, the home of our illustrious GM and On Sec.




Run #2207

Date – 06/02/2023
Run – #2207
Hare – Tonto
Venue – 23 St Bees Avenue, Bucasia
Hashers: 17

A mild Summer’s evening, for a wander through the streets of Bucasia. A refreshing shower of rain and refreshment piss stop, nothing better.

Back on home for Nacho’s and more refreshments. Circle called, and celebrations for Hashy Birthday for Pensioner, 400 runs for Pensioner and 100 runs for Matches.

Nosh served of bangers and burgers with salad and bread.

And the hashers were spoiled with ice-cream for their good behaviour.

Monday 13th February is Flaps’ Run, please gather at the entrance to Carlyle Gardens just off Norris Road.

On On


Run #2206

Date – 30/01/23
Run – #2206
Hare – Prick
Venue – 1 Kenzey Street, North Mackay
Hashers: 29

A healthy hoard of hashers rolled up at Prick’s address.

Off on trail, around the Goose Ponds for an evening’s stroll. SCB destination Goosies.

Unauthenticated papers were circulating around Prick’s backyard, giving hashers some light reading, and enlightenment of Aussie Hash House Harrier Rules??

Zorro most enthused with the first written words. Blah Blah Blah….

A brew of a hot tasty and tender beef stew was set on the table for hashers to enjoy. Even our chef forgot how hot the brew was and burnt his mouth.

It is great to see some returning runners/hashers among us.

Next week’s run, Tonto and Lassie’s, 23 St Bees Avenue, Bucasia.


Run #2205

Date – 23 Jan 2023
Run – #2205
Hare – Shocker and Sweet Meat
Venue – Park Area  in Sturt Crescent  &  4/23 Sunset Drive, Erakala
Hashers: 25

Oh what a great venue; the evening sky glowing gold and red; the venue a childrens’ park for those with lollies , and a full contingent of sober and eager Hashers.

The run was off through the backblocks, the drainage areas, and the roads of the Estate. Mountain goat country. Finally we finished at the kids park and drove up the road to Shocker’s mansion. 

Nibblies followed by a few tinnies; Zorro ran the circle which included down downs for returning runners Juice, Termite, Snot and Insex and GFYM [Eeawe] . A few jokes, a couple of charges and the circle was closed in record time! Well done Zorro. 

A great feed of lamb stew and sticky rice, some Tim Tams and then it was on back home to Mummy.

Next Run: Prick.  1 Kenzey Street. 

On On .  Prick.

Run #2204

Date – 16 Jan 2023
Run – #2204
Hare – Golly & Raggedy Ann
Venue – 4 Trochus Crt, Shoal Point
Hashers: 14

Run Report for Gollies Birthday Run

Hashers put on their snorkels and made their way to the Northern Beaches to Raggedy Ann and Golly’s house as the rain continue to pour down. Since nothing cancels a hash run a good number of hashers braved the elements. Golly had a good size under cover area out the front of his Man Cave to keep the rain at bay. After marking the Trail five times – Golly started the run as a live hare setting a blistering pace. The Trail was tough and treacherous with a right – a left – a left – a left – a left and then a right on home. Unfortunately, no has hash holt.  The drowned runners all grabbed a cold one out of the back of Flaps’ ute and sat down for a well-earned refreshment. After the general chit chat the circle was called by the Mon-key Screw. The hare Golly got his down down. Zorro gave a run report “SHIT HOT” as it was the first run he completed for 2023. Zorro was charged for complaining about the overly lengthy run even though he gave a “shit hot” run review. Prick got a charge for completing 800 runs!! Zorro and Maple Syrup got a charge for wearing thongs. Flaps had a couple of cracker jokes. Golly got charged for a Hashie Birthday. Song was sung and Circle closed, and Nosh was on. Great spread by Golly and Raggedy. After dinner Golly organised the entertainment. A large Giant Green Tree Frog singing ROOT ROOT  ROOT and trying to fuck a Cane TOAD. I have never seen a Cane Toad trying to climb a vertical lattice wall trying to get away from the persistent frog. Golly had read up on genetic cross breeding techniques and gave them both a splash of wine to get the deed done.  Hashie birthday cake and another round of the birthday song for Golly. Great night.

On On


Run #2203

Date – 09 Jan 2023
Run – #2203
Hare – Screw and Fork
Venue – 80a Maple Drive, Andergrove
Hashers: 19

19 Hashers arrived at Fork and Screws house on a hot and humid day, hopefully to walk off a few kilos after the Xmas and New year. Was a great walk around the streets of Andergrove, well-marked, no hills, no rain, thanks Screw. Dips and biscuits were served, and Circle was called by stand in monk, Screw, A Down Down for returning runner Knot Head, few charges and jokes, Circle closed. Hash Nosh served, yummy Spaghetti Bolognese, and chocolates. Another great night chatting and catching up with everyone. Thanks Fork and Screw.  Next week’s run is at Birthday boy’s – Golly, 4 Trochus Court Shoal Point

Raggedy Ann

On On

Hare required for 30th Jan, Thanks 👣

Run #2202

Date – 02/01/2023          
Run – 2202
Hare – Mango & Pensioner
Venue – John Breen Park, Nth Mackay
Hashers: 15


15 keen hashers rolled up for the 1st run of 2023, at John Breen Park. After Happy New Year greetings to one and all. The Hare Pensioner called us to attention , announced he was the  ‘Live  Hare’,  as he has run out of chalk.

We couldn’t/wouldn’t catch him and just ambled along behind him.

Back at the esky, the beers and ciders were nice and cold, dip and bikkies were consumed. 

Circle was called by Monkee Screw, we were advised by GM to mind our manners and language as there was a family at the next shelter.

Pensioner was charged for a piss poor trail;

Zorro was charged as he hadn’t been charged in 2023. 

Flaps told a couple of Shitty yarns. 

A quiet rendition of Hash song was sung and circle closed.

Nosh of savoury mince and bread was served, a nice change from Christmas leftovers.

More cool bevvies were consumed, bullshit talked and we all headed home before the mozzies ate us alive.

Next weeks run 09/01/23 @ 80a Maple Drive Andergrove,

On On 


Run #2201

Date – 26/12/2022          
Run – 2201
Hare – Daffodil &Corgi
Venue – Col Storey Park, Nebo Road.
Hashers: 7 

After a Christmas Day that rained all day, Boxing Day produced some finer weather…. until around 4.00PM when it bucketed down once more. This appeared to be excuse enough for most hashers to stay away in droves. Except for seven. ( I wrote seven instead of 7 cause it looks bigger)
So, seven (7) of us headed off… actually it was six (6) , because Flaps had sore feet, actually it was five (5) , because Zorro stayed back to keep Flaps company. So, off we five (5) went, with Daffodil leading on account of he knew where the arrows were, even the washed out ones.

Around the Botanic Gardens we marched, up n down, round n round until eventually reaching the café (closed) and the secret tunnel (open) that led us back to the beer, which Zorro and Flaps had thoughtfully tasted.
With the rain tumbling down we moved under cover at the front of the Tourist Info Centre. Flaps backed the beer truck in, and produced several chairs from inside. And there we sat, drinking beer and watching rain, until amazingly The Monk called the circle to order. Thankfully, due to the small audience, he deleted the night’s history lesson, preferring to lob down-downs at the hares Daff & Corgi, and a couple for Zorro, cause one is never enough. Flaps told a joke, which prompted The Monk to launch into a decidedly lengthy diatribe, ending with a punch-line that I can’t recall.

Circle closed, we eagerly awaited sustenance from Chief Cook Corgi, who laid out buns, salads and home grown rissoles in the back of Flap’s truck, and then invited us to come forward and build our own burgers. Having catered for twenty (20), there was an abundance left over, which I snavelled for use at next week’s run. (Hope it keeps all right, our fridge is full, so it’s all just sitting on the bench.)
Corgi then excelled herself by producing ice cream cones and a tub of ice cream, not quite melted, which mixed in well with the beer.

Then it was time to toddle off in the rain, which was no more, and find our way home.
Next week, if you wish to partake of Corgi’s leftovers, it’s Mango n me setting a run from John Breen Park (cause it’s too noisy for the Old Folks if we hold it in The Old Folks Home.)

On On Pensch.




Run #2200 Christmas Run

Date – 19/12/22      
Run – 2200
Hare – Zorro
Venue – 35 Graves Street North Mackay
