Run No #2100

Run Date: 25/01/21
Run No: 2100
Hare: Daffodil
Venue:  Jaycee Park, Andergrove
Hashers: 28


Australia Day Club

28 virile and wanton hashers [ the lassies being virile and the boys wanton ] delivered themselves into the hands of the club hierarchy for a little Australia Day celebration. We started with the usual; a few beers, some bullshit, and then progressed to a well organised pre run sports sports festival. Thong throwing, boomerang throwing demonstrations and an egg and spoon race. The race was won by Prick’s team but they were deprived of their rightful reward on a technicality. 

Then followed a ramble around the back streets of Andergrove with about half of the hashers actually completing the run; probably the average for any given run!
Then it was On On back to Tropical Avenue; Smut led the circle with a recall of the events of 2000, a few charges, a few down downs and then a stirring rendition of Advance Australia Fair. A delightful up yours to those who wish to rewrite history. Nibbles, pies and mushie peas, lamingtons and another few beers capped off a great evening.

Cheers. Prick.


Run No #2099

Run Date: 18th January, 2021
Run No #2099
Hare: Smut 
Venue: Iluka Park, Binnington Esplanade at the end of East Gordon Street, Town Beach
Hashers: 19   

The rain was holding off but we were almost on cyclone watch with Cyclone Kimi coming down the coast. Watching the time Smut called to listen up for where the run was going to to take us.

We had to look for a round lime mark so I found out. Off we went down Binnington Esplanade to Evans and on into Scanlan Street where Sixty Nine Degrees used to live. On back around Good Shepherd Lodge and into Rae Street, along Shakespeare and back home to find Zorro, Matches, Pensioner and Lassie back because they had found the on home marks early or were tempted by a Lassie drink stop. Top knot’s Red 4WD was no where to be seen but f tiny vehicle squeezed the big red esky in. Smut brought out the dips, cheese, peanuts and biscuits. The BBQ was fired  up and JCF was chief cook.  The mozzies were hungry too.  More spray applied and even that didn’t deter them. I tried a mosquito coil but that didn’t work either hence a lot of slapping was going on during the circle. A run report was called for and a Hash Cash stand in. Top Knot volunteered to take the cash. No monkee JCF helped out to give the Hare his just reward  and song for setting the run. No containers for change bag Raggedy volunteered her spare bag.  All substitutes organised we were on to Jokes and Charges. Tonguer and Pensioner were good for two or more and Zorro, Matches and Pensioner were charged for not taking up Lassies drink stop. Zorro didn’t think she had beer in her fridge he rebuffed. JCF had the sausages cooked so Smut brought out the condiments to go with the sausages. To our surprise a zucchini slice was entree and plenty of it. Smut was baking all weekend. A man of many talents. Prick came to the rescue with more tomato sause. Two varieties of chocolate biscuits and we were all full. A sprinkle of rain and then it stopped. Wheelie headed home early so all grabbed their last beers and chatted on. That’s all I can remember.

On On Corgi


Run No# 2098

Run Date: 11.01.21
Run No: 2098
Hare: Screw & Fork
Venue: 80A Maple Dr, Andergrove
Hashers: 17

Seventeen hardy individuals braved the inclement weather conditions and ventured out to soak up the hospitality offered by hares Fork and Screw.

Immediately prior to the commencement of the run, Fork slipped into trance, assumed the lotus position before channelling Tloloc, the Aztec God of rain and storms and sought a reprieve from the persistent drizzle – and it worked!!

Screw did a bit of a Trump impersonation and boldly stated that he had set a run using the traditional methods of flour and chalk, but was thwarted by the weather conditions – these claims were soon found to be baseless and unsubstantiated.

The bulk of the gathered throng enjoyed a dawdle around the streets, soaking up the architectural diversity afforded by the in-demand suburb of Andergrove.  

Upon return, Fork presented a range of gourmet cheeses and dips to tempt the highly cultured taste buds of the Hash elite – some were witnessed shoving three cheeses and four crackers into their mouths at once.

A lively bout of frivolous banter was broken by the calling of the circle. After a pretty slow and listless start, the GM’s upcoming car rally announcement prompted a spirited rebuttal by Raggedy Anne following Golly’s less than complimentary assessment of Raggedy’s navigational capabilities – Golly ultimately lost out and took a down-down for his out-dated sexist slur. 

The whole show went downhill from then on, and culminated with Knothead doing a Yahoo Serious impersonation as a prop for one of his jokes – he even made us laugh!!

To close the circle out, JCF led us into a rousing rendition of the Club Song with Pensioner providing complimentary harmonies in the background.

The Nigella Lawson of Maple Drive then presented appetizing fried chicken pieces complimented by green toss and potato salads, followed by a tasty sweet cholate treat.

The call from Hash Piss for last drinks triggered the fastest moves witnessed all evening, with mad dashes to the esky to secure a close-out beverage.

On On Smut

Run No# 2097

Run Date: 04.01.21
Run No: 2097
Hare: Tarzan
Venue: 4 Evans Ave North Mackay
Hashers: 21


With the threat of Qlds first slycoon, 21 hardy hashers turned up at Tarboys abode to attack whatever was thrown at them, with the booze bus there, tarboy instructed us the head down Evans ave, also saying there was a piss stop, the run/walk meandered through the backblocks of nth mky finally getting to the plss stop at john breen park, nice drop tasted like margaritas. From there it was on home, finally the monk decided to call the circle, tarboy was bringing in the hash nosh, so the monk gave in to the peer pressure to delay the circle til after nosh was devoured, what has mky hash become. After we had our fill, the circle was called, the hare got his just desserts, so stories and jokes were told but not believed, many beers were drank and it was noticed that the hash esky had sprung a leak, no, just that Topknot had taken the bung with him to Airlie beach, anyway, with the thought of no pudding, I decided to head home and have some of my own.

Dont forget next week is at our place, I will organize some rain.

ON ON Screw



Run No #2096

Run Date: 28.12.2020
Run No: 2096
Hare: Pensioner & Mango
Venue: 12 Douglas Crescent, Rural view

A short run report for run 2096 at the mansion in Douglas cres Rural view owned by Pensch and Mango. A large crowd of 12 showed up for this spectacular event. Actually the run was good. Circle good because we didn’t have to stand or remove hats, caps visors etc. Only one or two jokes told c/o Baagoose. Very slack down down songs as no officials present NO club song by request of all present. Good nosh served up and there was plenty to go around. Then we all buggered of home. See ya next week.
The Tarboy


Run No #2095

Run Date: 21.12.2020
Run No: 2095
Hare: Lassie & Tonto
Venue: 23 St Bees Avenue, Bucasia

A huge crowd of 15 descended onto the immaculate rear lawn of Tonto & Lassie, careful not to disturb the rose bed and the award-winning orchid display. Tonto persuaded several members to look over the fence at his neighbour’s pristine yard arrangement, and it became clear we were in the presence of gardening gurus.

Eventually Tonto called us to attention, and indicated some arrows on the ground, and told us to follow them. Which we did, through the darkening streets of Bucasia and down through the beachside walking tracks, until we found Lassie, with a bin of nasty cheap red wine and lemonade, laughingly described as a piss stop. After a slurp or two, the cry was “on home”, so off we raced, led by WheelieBin, doing his best impression of Slenderman on speed.

Arriving back at the Botanical Gardens,  er, Tonto’s joint, we each selected a square of Sir Walter turf, and carefully slipped into our chairs  then enjoy the fragrance emitting from the many and varied tropical blooms.

In the absence of Monk Smut, Flaps stepped up and called the circle to order. Down Downs were dispensed to Tonto and Lassie, and another to Tonto for the quality of his lawn, some charges were thrown back and forth, the outcome of which I forget, the stand-in Monk told a couple of dubious jokes, Flavio and Giovanni made another appearance, and then all went quiet, until the stand-in Monk  called yours truly forward with an award for 300 runs (walk, appearances??)……an engraved mug, which was quickly desecrated with left nasty red plonk. Not having any more to say, the stand-in Monk  began to warble the Hash Song, before closing the circle.

Nosh of sausages, rissoles, bread and salads were bought forward and quickly demolished. Beers was drunk, talk was talked, and slowly heads started to droop, so the mob dispersed and headed home to bed.

Next week will be an epic climb around the Rural View Ranges.                      

See ya there, if you’re not otherwise engaged in the silly season.


Run No #2094


Run Date: 14-12-20
Run No: 2094
Hare: Flaps 
Venue:  17 Jarrah Street for our Christmas party 
Hashers: 26

Hello all fellow hashers, Numbers over 20 turned up at Flap’s abode from 5 o’clock onwards. With the early arrivals wondering why they needed to ready themselves by 5 when the run didn’t start until 6. Which meant no time to check they had their knickers on. Gathering out the front all were happy to here it was only a short run with a little hill, it wasn’t even long enough to have a piss stop just what was needed for a Christmas run. All sorts of yummy nibbles were produced and eaten while waiting for Santa and Mrs Claus to appear. With runners becoming restless wondering what was taking so long for Santa to arrive with suggestions of Mrs Claus was giving him his present first. With the usual organised group of numbers given out and hashers losing and forgetting numbers with a cheeky one not being able to wait and pretended his number was called grabbed his pressie and bolted for the kitchen. The circle was called with deserved charges and the best joke ever told by U-Turn which she called Adelaide to ensure she got the punch line right. Congratulations to Matches for being awarded her 50 runs hat. Well done for Christmas feast of ham, chicken and salad very suited in this hot weather. I don’t remember what dessert was but Tonto commented it was very yummy. See you all next week for those still around during the holidays.


Lassie and Tonto.


Run No #2093

Run Date: 30.11.2020
Run No: 2093
Hare: Zorro
Venue: 70 Satellite Cr, Mackay Harbour
Hashers: 23


The usual suspects gathered at Zorro’s place of business for another Monday night’s  fun and frivolity.

It was a red dress run and it was pleasing to see plenty of red dresses, shorts and t-shirts.

Santa forgot to wear his red outfit, must be getting old.

We were assured there were plenty oh hills, mud, sand and a few fences thrown in for good measure, however, as a true hasher, Zorro was a little liberal with the truth.

Everyone made their way to Sails Bar for a few jugs of the amber fluid, supplied by Comlec (I think that’s how it’s spelt, where Delicious works) it was then on home.

Everyone gathered to enjoy a cold amber, but someone was missing. A search party was sent out to look for Bargoose, he eventually made it back after seeing parts of Mackay he didn’t know existed.

The Monk called the cicle, the hare was called to receive his just desserts. Bargoose gave a great run report, seeing things like kangaroos, snakes and crocodiles on his epic journey.

Down downs were given to Corgi for her 30th birthday, Bargoose for overachieving, Insex and Snot for being returning runners.  Jokes were told by Pensioner, Tounger, and yours truly, continuing readings from what is expected to be a best selling novel.

Nosh was served,  curried sausages and bread, dessert consisted of rum balls and lemon balls, made by Matches, both were delicious.

Zorro was extremely upset because there was no curry for his lunch the next day.

See you all at 17 Jarrah Street for our Christmas party, early start 5pm, so get in early for a good seat 

On On Flaps


Run No: #2092

Run Date: 30.11.2020
Run No: 2092
Hare: Knickerlicker
Venue: 16 Dolby Crt, Nth Mackay
Hashers: 25


Heaps of hashers turned up to Knicka  place and he deliberately set the run to go thru Palm View retirement village

Where I heard that Mango has been looking for a place for Pensioner

Good run

Great circle

Great Nosh [ loved the curry pies ]

On On to Zorros next week, bring insect fuck off

Run No: #2091

Run Date: 23.11.2020
Run No: 2091
Hare: Wombat
Venue: 8 Hokin Street, Glenella
Hashers: 26


Turned up at Wombat’s and found that for the second week in a row we were not the first to arrive (No i wasn’t waiting for Piccolo to finish her lunch she found other Girlie things to do that murdered time schedules) . The rest of the rabble wandered in until we numbered 26 by the time we started on the run. We shuffled out on the same path as Wombat’s last Ultra marathon, which caused a few rumbles from the back of the pack, but she lulled us into a sense of false hope with a sharp left heading towards “Smuts” old stamping ground. But NO! we ended up on a tour of the cleanest and best manicured drains in Mackay, before we ended up on the On Home    

The circle was called by  the Not so honourable  Monk. who then proceeded on his rendition of a history lesson on what happened around the state, country, and the arse end of the nearest -planet in the next galaxy, in year run number minus one thousand.  Finally the hare was told to drink for setting the run and for forgetting how to set a check. Delicious for taking months to find the right colour (which doesn’t exist) shorts just for her 400 th run.  Jokes from the gay virgin and Old Italian and what happened after that I don’t know because i was talking 

After the Hash song sung and circle Closed, a great hash nosh was served & devoured and a few more drinks until  hash piss took them away.

Something else happened that night but it wasn’t worth remembering so I haven’t

 0n on

PS please brink a chair next week because I 0nly have 4
