Run #2277

Date – 03/06/2024
Run – 2277
Hare – Zorro
Venue – 70 Satellite Crescent, Mackay Harbour
Hashers: 20

Dozens of hashers arrived at Mackay Fencing for the evening’s run.

Off we went in the wrong direction, no problem, we would meet up on the loop out of Satellite Crescent. A couple of dawdling hashers, missed the chalk arrows, made their own interpretation of Zorro’s run, and returned long after the pack had gathered back at MF for biscuits and dip, and drawing warmth from Zorro’s fire.

The circle convened, charges laid, mostly for Zorro, our visiting hashers MD and Kennel were welcomed, and a naming for a young female hasher, Cripple Nipple.

The Nosh was devoured, plates were picked clean. An excellent choice of Curried Sausages for cool night.

On On



Naming of Cripple Nipple 03-06-24 Naming of Cripple Nipple 3rd June 24 

Run #2276

Date – 27/05/2024
Run – 2276
Hare – Tonto
Venue – 23 St Bees Avenue, Bucasia
Hashers: 25

Very sad to hear of the passing of long time hasher “ Bargoose “

Good run from Lassie and Tonto abode with good nosh and plenty of it.

Couple funnies below


Run #2275

Date – 20/05/2024
Run – 2275
Hare – Flaps
Venue – 206 Phillip St, Carlyle Gardens, Over the Bridge, Green Assembly Area
Hashers: 26

Too many to count, turned up to Flaps abode for an enjoyable night of hashing.

Arriving to find everyone trying to light Flaps’ fire, which Shocker accomplished with a blow torch.  Moving back out the front, more eager runners were found patiently awaiting for the run instructions.  Only a short run was confirmed taking 20 minutes to set (on the scooter). Through the streets of Caryle Gardens over the hill and far away, was told Aldi sold alcohol and could have had a piss stop (I had no money Tarboy). Back at base, the trip down memory lane started with old hash books to flick through and the start of the 3course restaurant style menu started and also the fire alarm followed by the fire brigade and then the ambulance. (Don’t let the truth get in the road of a good report). Shocker to the rescue again, going in and pressing a button. Corgi could have been to blame as she was in helping Flaps with his Master Chef dishes. The Monk finally remembered to call the circle and was not impressed with the slow response, so repeated his request in a raised grumpy voice getting a much better response.

The Hare was charged with a thumbs up run and a down down. Charges were called for and Flaps was charged but had disappeared back into the kitchen. Snot was charged for trying to run the circle ⭕️ Flaps returned for his charge, cannot remember the charge. Piccolo was charged, once again can’t remember what for (going to have to take notes next time). Returning runners Titanic, Hard Drive, Rarebits and son, also the Monk Smut were given drinks. Jokes were told with the hash books helping remember and U Turn had a true story to tell about her sister’s experience at work, very funny.

Circle was closed with more delicious food served and the fire much appreciated.

More stories and drinks drunk and just when we thought it couldn’t get better dessert was served, yummo.

With some more yapping I dragged myself away from the fire and on home. Excellent job Flaps, as always.

ON ON Lassie

Run #2274

Date – 13/05/2024
Run – 2274
Hare – Tarzan
Venue – 4 Evans Avenue, North Mackay
Hashers: 21

Around 20 hashers gathered at No. 4 Evans Ave for run 2274. Tarzan set another great run (according to him), well-marked, no hills, no shiggy, no sand and it didn’t rain (bonus).

The trail went round and round and up and down the streets of North Mackay.

Pensions was the first back (fit bastard) followed by Nicka, Screw, Zoe, Pisco Sister and Wheelie. Then the not so fit followed. Lots of chatter then nibbles came out and that quietened down the noise.

The circle was called by the Monkee as Smut is still away (probably on

strike) unfortunately the was no history lesson and the crowd went aww hooray. The Hare was given his just desserts followed by charges.

Lassie for forgetting the bowls and cutlery, Tonto for being a hero, driving all the way to Bucasia to pick them up (good one Tonto). Corgi for something or other, with much chatter going on in the circle it was a bit hard to hear some, other ones but I can’t remember. Jokes were called for, unfortunately U-Turn didn’t have one hooray! Flaps told stories of his early childhood (very sad). Pensioner told one but I can’t remember. More chatter in the circle. Then the Monkee called for the club song and a rousing rendition it was too.

Nosh came out delicious Spag Bol followed by some tasty Banana Cake (courtesy of Tarboy) and some other type of cake with lots of icecream, as I am on a diet I could only manage 2 helpings, chocolate and caramel sauce beautiful.

On On to next week, Unit 202 Carlyle Gardens 206 Phillip St. Over the bridge and straight ahead to the green space for parking.



Zorro and the Return of the MH3 mugs!              

Run #2273

Date – 06/05/2024
Run -2273
Hare – Lassie
Venue – 8 Hague Street, East Mackay
Hashers: 16

A motley crew of 15 or so turned up for Lassies run. An easy cruise thru the back blocks of East Mackay brought us back home all in one piece. Zorro stoked up a roaring blaze that kept us all snug & warm. A few classic stories from Flaps followed. Then some charges from Cutlery’s run were levelled at those who sinned. Zorro copped a beauty for the return of our horns, stolen at our celebration run. Moaning Lisa from Cutlery had wrapped the horns in an intricate assembly of perspex & very large nuts & bolts, which took about 100 years with the aid of ring spanners to undo. All the while Zorro was on ICE. Not happy Jan, where he had to stay all the while. Visitor from Sydney Thirsty hash was given a down down as well as some returning runners who I can’t remember. Nosh was served from Lassies freezer as Supermarkets where conveniently closed. A good night was had by all. See ya all next week at no. 4.

ON ON The Tarboy.                    

Run #2272

Date – 29/04/2024
Run – 2272
Hare – Prick
Venue – 1 Kenzey Street, North Mackay
Hashers: 24

A  great bunch of hashers arrived at Pricks abode for Monday night’s run. We headed off crossing Malcomson Street and quickly lost 3 runners to the Goosies which they were charged for in the circle ( In Sex, Snot and Zorro). A short walk along the goose pond and over the bridge of trouble turtles. Following the road towards MP until coming across 2 arrows pointing us back which Prick was later charged for in the circle.  Finding the check we were back on trail heading upwards. Finally turning left to go up a wee hill. A handful of Hashers completed the climb and by the time I reached the underground water fountain I wished I had followed the short cutters. Then the never-ending spiral of stairs to heaven not so much with no piss stop in sight it was straight down the other side with another check which fooled nobody cause we were all heading back towards home.

With no Smut Shocker took control which also meant no history lesson yay. The hare was charged with a thumbs up to any of them lately will have to change that next week  😉. We had a runner I am yet to meet along with Screw who was charged for returning. She was also charged for her imaginary friend named Ben then once again took the down down for Wheelies birthday. Juice also had a birthday drink. Snot was charged for not knowing the difference between a hooker and a streaker and Piccolo had a drink for Finally getting rid of the crazy neighbour. 

Nosh of pies and peas were devoured and everyone enjoyed a chit chat until last drinks were called. 

See you all next week until I get you all lost ON ON Lassie 

Run #2271

Date – 22/04/2024
Run – 2271
Hare – Daffodil & Corgi
Venue –  Illawong Beach Park, Petrie Street, South Mackay

Hashers: 12+

Probably the worst weather of the year, and there we were open to the vile elements at Far Beach. Rain. 30 knots of breeze. Cold. 

About 12 ardent runners took off from the shelter and wound their way up through the remnants of the Boom and Bust Caravan Park, through the parklands to Ocean International and the Quota Park. There was a terrific piss stop, then on on through the back streets and walkways of South and East Mackay. Another piss stop in Kilgour Street then back to Beverly Street and Far Beach. An exhausting trip of 6.8 km in inexecrable conditions. 

This was followed by a few beers, nibbles, a circle [with history lesson] a few down downs and then a great feed.  Desert was Tim Tams, which didn’t last very long.

Then it was on home to the warm bed and the loving arms.

On On .  Prick. 

Next week’s run :  Prick.  1 Kenzey Street. North Mackay.  

Run #2270

Date – 15/04/2024
Run -2270
Hare – Smut
Venue – 57 Bradman Drive, Glenella
Hashers: 22

A cloudy day cleared to sunshine getting that washing dried but a cloud threatening sky for the start of the run made us grab our umbrellas. Close to 6, Smut called everyone out the front and we were on the trail of blue arrows to find the piss stop. We followed the trail back out to Davey Street. Crossing over the road was a bit daring we thought but we managed to get the group back on track to find Hillside Terrace and then on down to find Smut waiting with his orange brew less the red wine. It was a healthy concoction Smut said. Straight forward to find home but I didn’t see the arrow that turned right into Farmer Street. On to Loudon Street and right into Pioneer brought us back to the foot path homeward bound. At Schapers Road we caught up with Zorro. The pack came home via the start arrows where the trail came in around Lilee Street. All back and beers in hand Smut called for the circle and gave us our history lesson on the Titanic. He charged himself for his well-marked 4k run and called for charges and jokes. Shocker had several cups of piss stop brew ready. Pensioner was charged for his dummy spit at Executive lunch- not happy no prawns! Flaps and Insex had a joke to tell and Prick had a returning runner sip.

Hash nosh was served, Chicken and Mushroom and a Beef and Chick Pea casserole with gluggy rice. The dishes were wiped clean, it was so tasty. Tim Tams for dessert. A good night was had by all and we scarred away the rain. Thanks to Smut and Rita    

On on

Daffodil & Corgi

Next week’s run,

Illawong Beach park – Beach Volley Ball side – Petrie Street

Run #2269

Date – 08/04/2024
Run -2269
Hare – Golly
Venue – 4 Trochus Court, Shoal Point
Hashers: 23

After a couple of weeks of lower than average attendance rates, the strong turnout of 23 regular, visiting and returning runners were greeted in the driveway by an enthusiastic Raggedy-Anne, who has been missing in action for a period due to some robust kitchen-based antics that Golly and Raggedy are not keen to discuss publicly.

Golly mustered the gathered throng in the cul-de-sac and when the banter had finally died down, proceeded to tell a bunch of lies – particularly the one about a second piss-stop.

No sooner had the rambling mass set off, there was confusion and this set the theme for the entire run. A piss-stop was found at the public park before a short walk back to base.

Pre-dinner drinks and hors d’oeuvres were served before the Monk call the circle to order. Following a lame history trip, a number of charges were laid, of which a few were levelled at returning runner, Blo Jo.

Visiting runners, Rough Red and Takeover along with returning runners Lassie, Tonto, Raggedy Anne plus Blo Jo were recognised.

Tarboy got rather excited when Lagos was mentioned during the history trip and shared with us an absolutely compelling Inter-Hash story – well it was compelling for Tarboy.

Flaps, as he typically does, managed to secure some genuine belly-laughs via his comic repertoire.

With circle closed, Golly swung into catering action with military style precision. Raggedy, who is typically the primary provedore is currently banned from the kitchen duties since she’s taken to free-style jumping off the benches.

With a solid fill of chicken and salad rolls, sweet biscuits washed down by a beverage of choice, weary old campaigners waddled off home to digest the food and the experience.




Run #2268

Date – 01/04/2024
Run – 2268
Hare – Pensioner
Venue – John Breen Park, North Mackay
Hashers: 14

Hi Hashers.

We all, 14 off us gathered at John Breen Park for run 2268, all ready for a good set out run, set by one off our finest hares. We all got mustered up to be told that the hare had it from Livio that it would be a waste of chalk as it would be washed out.

So, we were to have a Live Hare “Pensioner”. Of we set through the park, on to the road, not to far, some 50m when the so-called Hare said “you’re on your own” and went back to the esky, leaving the pack to decide who to lead us. On down the path to the first crossing, some went over, the others kept going to the next pathway.

We all found our way back to the booze and dip, no crackers as Pensioner had a man look and could not find them in the second bag.

Circled called. No history lesson, very disappointing, charges taken, Pensioner we all know what for. Tar Boy for pole dancing and others I can’t remember, some jokes and stories, song sung.

Food came out, Savory Mince and Potato Bake, very nice, Mango. Dessert – biscuits.  We all stood around and got all the go, on what to expect, if you get covid, from our one and only Uturn.

See you at Shoal Point Monday.




